Christian Democratic Party denounces recruitment of Cubans in Russia and criticizes the European Union

The PDC assures that this act of the regime contradicts previous resolutions of the European Parliament and puts at risk not only human rights but also European security.

Mercenarios cubanos en Rusia / Elena Larrinaga presidenta del PDC © Redes Sociales / CiberCuba
Cuban mercenaries in Russia / Elena Larrinaga president of the PDC Photo © Social Networks / CiberCuba

The opponentChristian Democratic Party (PDC) of Cuba, denounced the recruitment of Cubans in Russia and criticized the position of the European Union on this issue.

The PDC warns that this act of the regime contradicts previous resolutions of the European Parliament and puts at risk not only human rights but also security in the old continent.

In aofficial announcement the PDC noted thatThey do not believe in the version of Miguel Díaz-Canel's governmentwho denies being related to the recruitment of Cuban mercenaries by Russia.

"Knowing us thehistory of control and disinformation of the regime, it is impossible to think
that the Cuban authorities did not know, or were not involved in any way in this operation," the text says.

The second part of the document attacksthe posture of Joseph Borrell, Head of diplomacy in Europe who celebrated Cuba's "efforts" to put an end to sending mercenaries to Russia.

"The Foreign Action Service of the European Parliament has declared that it has accepted the explanations given by the Cuban government about the case, which demonstrates once again that Mr. Borrell has greatly lowered the ethical and political level with respect to the regime," the statement says.

"The High Representative, with this acceptance, not only seems to be betraying the very cause that he defends and we defend, but has also ignored Resolution (2023/2744 (RSP) approved on July 12 of this year in Strasbourg , which in section 17 condemns the regime's support for Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine (...) recalling that the statements of the VP/HR, which indicate that not supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression would have consequences ", they pointed out from the PDC.

PDC statement

The text was published this Thursday and on that same day the greatestcontradictions in the official discourse of the regime about this theme.

The chancellorBruno Rodriguez came out to denystatements by the Cuban ambassador acting in Russia, Julio Garmendía, who told the press that the island state has nothing against the “legal participation” of its citizens in the Ukrainian war supporting the Russian side.

Bruno Rodríguez denied the Ambassador with a message on Twitter where he said that "the unequivocal and invariable position of the Cuban government, in accordance with national legislation, iscontrary to the participation of Cuban citizens in any conflict, against mercenarism and against human trafficking".

The exileElena Larrinaga de Luis She is the president of the Christian Democratic Party of Cuba.

This political institution at its bases indicates that it fightsagainst the impoverishment of Cubans, in favor ofRespect for human dignityand for oneSocial market economy that contributes to freedom and social justice. It is made up of Cuban exiles and residents on the island.

Last week theDemocratic Concertation Front (D Front) that demanded that the Díaz-Canel government repatriate citizens who are participating in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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