Neighbors of the Havana municipality of Cojímar hung protest posters after 8 months without running water.
The images of the two posters, which are seen hanging on the power lines, fwere spread by the X user @Morroapagado, who specified that it is “26/k and Linderos, Cojímar.”
“8 months without piped water and Havana Water without a solution for us,” reads one of the cartels.
The other specifies that “Circuit 4 without water. Outlets in Los Pinos and Pezuela, F and 27, K and 27 and others. Us, vigil and waiting. Until when? Respect for the rights of others is peace. Benito Juarez".
Protests in Cuba continue to occur despite the regime's repression.
Last August,several families closed a street in Havana on Monday night as a protest against the leaks and the poor construction state of the building where they live.
The event occurred on Figuras Street, between Monte and Tenerife, Central Havana, where people claim that they only resolve things when they protest.
Last July a group of Cubansblocked traffic at the confluence of San Lázaro and Belascoaín streets, in Central Havana, in protest of continuous blackouts that they had been suffering.
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