Posters against Díaz-Canel appear in Matanzas after an intense day of protests on 17M

Apparently, other slogans were erased or repainted by the police and other repressors of the Cuban regime who traveled to the place.

Pintadas contra el gobernante cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel en Matanzas © Cortesía del autor
Graffiti against the Cuban ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel in Matanzas Photo © Courtesy of the author

An immense poster against the Cuban ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel woke up painted this Monday in Matanzas after the intense day of protests experienced this Sunday, March 17 (17M).

A photo sent to CyberCuba by an anonymous collaborator showed the enormous graffiti made on the wall of the popular Playa del Tenis on the viaduct in the city of Matanzas.

CiberCuba / Courtesy of the author

“Díaz-Canel singao” was painted by Cuban civil society activists on the wall. Apparently, other slogans were erased or repainted by the police and other repressors of the Cuban regime.

The event took place during the early hours of this Monday, just hours after a massive protest was confirmed in the Matanzas town of Cárdenas, in which residents of the town took to the streets to protest with banging pots and pans, thus joining the demonstrations that were taking place. recorded this Sunday in several cities in Cuba.

Posters against the also first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) usually appear in Cuba at times of great popular unrest, generally associated with blackouts, widespread shortages and unjust repression.

In mid-September 2023, a poster against Díaz-Canel was painted in Palma Soriano (Santiago de Cuba), with the motto "Deliver the country".

The sign, accompanied by "Canel singao", was written after a 15-hour blackout in the eastern city. The wall where it was painted was in front of the shepherd's house Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo, punished with seven years of deprivation of liberty for his participation in the historic 11J protests in Cuba.

The action was added to others that have been carried out against the regime since then throughout the country, despite the high sentences imposed by the Cuban courts on the authors of the signs.

Among these cases is that of the political prisoner Jorge Luis Boada Valdés, whom the Cuban regime asks 15 years in prison for writing "Díaz-Canel singao" on the walls of Havana.

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