They report a significant increase in extreme poverty in Cuba

The calculation is made following the guideline of $1.90 dollars per day to determine the poverty threshold, for a household of three members.

Pobreza en Cuba © CiberCuba
Poverty in Cuba Photo © CiberCuba

He Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) denounced the worrying increase in extreme poverty in Cuba.

The non-governmental organization detailed in the VI Report on the State of Social Rights in Cuba, that "88% of Cubans live in extreme poverty, 13% more than in 2022."

The calculation is made according to the total income and following the guideline of $1.90 per day to determine the poverty line, for a household of three members.

In 2023 the inflation in Cuba has pushed thousands of families into a extreme situation. Furthermore, this exacerbates the lack of food Because although food is found in some markets, its cost is inaccessible for many people.

The OCDH investigation included 1,354 personal interviews in 75 Cuban municipalities, between July 12 and August 7, 2023.

The issues that generate the most concern among citizens are the food crisis (70% of the cases interviewed); the salaries (50%) and inflation (34%).

68% of citizens rate the government's management as “very negative.” More than 80% of those surveyed consider that public investment in education, housing, agriculture and food, and public health and hospitals is insufficient.

The data demonstrate a worsening of public health. 15% of the population has taken expired medicines, and 32% of those who needed medicines could not get them.

The report indicates that 62% of Cubans have problems buying the most essential things to survive, especially if they are retirees.

In April DatoWorld, a renowned international electoral observatory, pointed out Cuba as the poorest country in Latin America.

At that time, the country had a 72% poverty rate and that alarming number places it at the forefront of the countries in the region.

The situation could worsen in the coming months. This Wednesday the government admitted to having difficulties and lack of credits to guarantee food in the regulated basic basket of the population.

The end of a year that they had predicted would be better for Cuba is approaching, but it was all part of a deception to try to calm the population that was demonstrating in the streets against repression and precariousness.

Alejandro Gil Fernandez, Minister of Economy and Planning, reiterated that the “economy is in a complex situation” and acknowledged that they do not have credits to buy food.

"We know that it is difficult to find daily food, a blackout of eight or ten hours is difficult, the issue of transportation... but trust, the only way out is revolution and socialism," he said.

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