Woman responds to those who believe that in Cuba "things are not so bad"

The young woman touched on various topics of the current situation in Cuba. Look what it explains about the quality of life in the Caribbean country.

A Cuban woman living abroad addressed strong words to those who believe that "things are not so bad" on the island to take to the streets to protest against the government.

Sairis Castillo He said that he thought a lot before recording his video because he normally does not refer to political issues on his social networks, but currently he feels that it is the least he can do for his country, to make visible the critical situation that Cubans experience day after day. .

He referred to the impossibility of electing a president, the continuous blackouts of more than 12 hours and the shortage of food and vital resources such as water.

"Are you wondering why the people are shouting 'we are hungry', 'we want electricity'? Gentlemen, of the 24 hours in a day, Cuban families spend between 4 or 5 with electricity. There is not enough money to buy food and even less to give a luxury. The average salary is 10 to 15 euros per month," he commented.

Sairis narrated how Cubans struggle to even get a bar of soap to bathe.

"That we are a medical power? What is that? You go to a hospital and they send you home to be treated. The pharmacies do not have medicines. You have to have surgery and they send you to look for everything you will need for the surgery because in the There is nothing in the hospital, not even stretchers to admit you," Sairis said.

The youtuber pointed out that the Cuban does not live, but survives.

"We are tired. This is what they have turned Cuba into. Every day is worse than the last. It is a great lack of respect for the people," said the young woman.

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