Government subtracts 20 grams from bread from the warehouse in Sancti Spíritus

Entering into the famine with “creative resistance,” the Cuban regime ordered the temporary paralysis of all those companies in Sancti Spiritus that depend on electricity or fuel for food production.

Venta de pan de la canasta familiar normada © Escambray / Vicente Brito
Sale of bread from the regulated family basket Photo © Escambray / Vicente Brito

Life is hard, but the only way out is revolution and socialism"said the Minister of Economy and Planning of Cuba on Wednesday at the Round Table,Alejandro Gil Fernandez after announcing the measures adopted by the regime to face the serious crisis that is shaking the country.

The next day, those from Sancti Spiritus who were able to read the official newspaperEscambray, they came across the news that - given the fuel deficit, the effects on the electrical service and the lack of raw materials - the Provincial Company of the Food Industry in that provincesubtracted 20 grams from the bread ration that they have been receiving in the notebook for days.

Manuel Hung Varela, Director of Production at said entity, explained to the aforementioned media that "for some time now", the company has been facing "shortages of raw materials such as wheat flour, sugar, eggs and others, which are decisive in the formulation of various foods."

For this reason, the provincial authorities agreed to subtract 20 grams of bread from the daily ration that Cubans receive in the basket, leaving it at 60 grams and at a price of 0.75 cents.

Residents of the provincial capital will continue to receive 80 grams (the usual amount), but residents of the other seven municipalities of Sancti Spíritus will see 20 grams of bread disappear, "until the arrival of wheat flour to the country is stabilized at the required levels." ”.

With a view to guaranteeing basic productions, Hung Varela toldEscambray, other companies in the Food Industry will remain paralyzed, such as the sweet and savory cookie factories, the wafer factory, the canned food factories, the units that only produce pastries, in addition to the scratchings, candy, pasta and others.

Furthermore, "in times of contingency like this, the use of animal traction to transport bread to warehouses and other establishments increases, under compliance with the established hygienic-sanitary measures."

Entering into the famine with “creative resistance”, the Cuban regime ordered the temporary paralysis of all those companies in Sancti Spiritus that depend on electricity, fuel or that consume deficient raw materials for the production of food.

Even scratches and candies, which basically require sugar to make, are missing from the food supply. Cuba, historic sugar producer,It does not have enough sugar for the population in times of “continuity”.

In his speech at the closing of the 10th Congress of the CDR, the Cuban leaderMiguel Diaz-Canel He acknowledged that the fuel deficit brings problems in “food distribution,” among others.

“All this has been analyzed, we are facing it creatively, decisively, without fear. With courage and optimism, and also why not say itwith Cuban handsomeness because here no one gives up“said the leader of “continuity.”

The same one who, together with prominent figures of his executive,He promised that 2023 would be a better year and, with three months to go until the end of the year, Cubans take stock and come to the conclusion that they are even worse than before... and without hopeful short-term prospects.

At the beginning of September, the families of Ciego de ÁvilaThey began to receive standardized bread of only 50 grams, instead of the usual 80, due to the shortage of flour in Cuba.

The officialYadiel Pérez Téllez, coordinator of Programs and Objectives in the provincial government, explained to the local press that they did not know when they would be able to produce bread again within “normality,” although he assured that “to the extent that the necessary flour arrives in Cuba and we have "With complete certainty that we can restore its coverage, we would return to the usual one, that is, the 80 grams."

The bread shortage causeslong lines across the country in front of bakeries and food sales establishments, such as the one reported by theCuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) at the beginning of September in Santiago de Cuba, also denouncing its poor quality.

This Wednesday, Gil Fernández admitted the difficulties and lack of credit to guarantee food in the population's regulated basic basket, and recognized that“Life is hard, but the only way out is revolution and socialism”.

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