Monument dedicated to Che Guevara destroyed in El Salvador

The bust of the communist guerrilla was demolished by order of the mayor of Chalchuapa, in El Salvador.

A monument dedicated toErnesto Che Guevara located near the El Tazumal archaeological site, in El Salvador, was destroyed this week by party forcesNew ideas, of the presidentNayib Bukele.

The decision to remove the bust of the Argentine communist guerrilla was made by the SalvadoranJorge Moran, mayor of Chalchuapa, this October 4, just days after an anniversary of thedeath of Che. He noted that "there will be no more monuments idolizing murderers and communist dictators in a free country."

The bust of Che Guevara was installed years ago by theFarabundo Martí Front for National Liberation (FMLN) during his term in office in El Salvador.

Excelsior He said that the argument for placing this monument in Chalchuapa was that theThatHe had spent the night in that city in April 1954.

Thedestruction of the Che Guevara monument in El Salvador has generated discord between groups for and against this controversial historical personality. Some call him a murderer while others idolize him as an anti-imperialist Latin American hero.

The FMLN published a statement denouncing the incident and said that it was a reprehensible act. They accused the mayor and the partyNew ideas, of the presidentNayib Bukele, of attacking the historical memory of peoples.

El Salvador is experiencing a period of strong political polarization. Bukele enjoys great popularity for the measures imposed that have managed to reduce violence in his country, but at the same time the president receives continuousattacks from the Latin American left and social activism movements.

At the beginning of this year, the intervention made by three anti-communist YouTubers who call themselves“Los Marifachas” with a bust of Ernesto Che Guevara in the city of Leganés, in the Community of Madrid.

They climbed onto the guerrilla's bronze head, painted his lips pink and placed a green tutu around his neck, a mockery for considering him a murderer and homophobe.

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