Armando Tomey on Carlos Massola: "He dares to speak for millions"

Tomey, who has lived in the United States for years, affirmed that Carlos Massola is not crazy or drunk for having demanded the freedom of Cuban political prisoners.

Carlos Massola y Armando Tomey © Carlos Massola / Facebook y Armando Tomey / Facebook
Carlos Massola and Armando Tomey Photo © Carlos Massola / Facebook and Armando Tomey / Facebook

The remembered Cuban actor Armando Tomey also supports the recent statements of his colleague Carlos Massola, who from the Island demanded that the government release the political prisoners.

Tomey, who has lived in the United States for years, shared a post on his Facebook in which he assures that Massola is neither crazy nor drunk, but only dared to speak for millions.

Facebook capture / Armando Tomey

Massola made the news again last week, sharing a video in which he demanded that the ruler Díaz-Canel not only free the political prisoners, but also stop the suffering of their relatives.

In addition to Tomey, the actor Erdwin Fernández, a great lifelong friend of Massola, applauded his bravery by openly denouncing the situation in Cuba, without caring that he is a public figure.

"He talks about political prisoners, not ordinary prisoners; he asks for freedom for those who only think differently and he does it in public. (...) No one 'from the outside' tells Carlos Massola what he has to say or do, "No one 'pushes' him, he is just a man, a public figure, a citizen, an artist saying what he believes without disrespecting anyone," said Erdwin from Miami.

Last week, in a video of just over two minutes, Massola referred to recent statements by the Minister of Economy Alejandro Gil, who said that the only way out of the Cuban crisis is revolution.

"Tell me, Alejandro Gil, what revolution are you talking about to me? That the solution is the revolution? If the revolutionaries are us, who are screwing ourselves here, with nothing to eat. Let's see, Díaz-Canel, tell me, yes You have everything figured out, the refrigerator is full. (...) What is the morbidity of making political prisoners, families, suffer? Get them out of jail, if you have nothing to lose. you; they don't have weapons to kill you," he stressed.

"If you are a ruler of this country, where everything is square, why do you make the poor family of political prisoners suffer, like Lisandra Góngora, whose father you have forced to go with the children to the Island of Youth, Wilmer? I'm asking you for a little kindness, save your people while you can, you're pretty screwed," he questioned.

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