Vietnam donates another 1,200 tons of rice to Cuba

In April, Vietnam promised a stable supply of rice to the Cuban regime.


Vietnam will donate 1,200 metric tons of rice to Cuba, in the midst of the serious generalized crisis in the Caribbean nation, where the regime faces difficulties in completing the basic basket of the population.

A note from the official agencyLatin Press indicates that the shipment will leave the port of Cat Lai, in Ho Chi Minh City.

The donation was made by the Communist Party, the State and the people of Ho Chi Minh City, the note highlights.

The Consul General of Cuba in that city, Ariadne Feo Labrada, thanked the "contribution" in the name of "Cuba's historical support for Vietnam in its fight for liberation and reunification, as well as in the reconstruction of the country after decades of war." .

The representative of the Havana regime referred to the current Cuban crisis, and as is usual in the official discourse, attributed the food shortage to the US embargo, despite the fact that the United States is one of the countries with the most food exports to the island.

In April Vietnam promised Cuba astable rice supply, and donated5,000 tons in May and another 2,000 in September, reported the General Administration of State Reserves of that Asian country.

The shipment of Vietnamese rice arrives at a critical moment, when Cubans pay up to more than 300 pesos for a pound of the cereal in the informal market, since there is no supply of the food in state stores.

Although it is a staple food incuban diet, the government announced that during 2023 there would be no national production capable of satisfying demand.

"The plans set up for 2023 are quite low, with around 40% of what was planned at this point in the development program. We had to plant 140,000 hectares and we will only be able to plant 68,000," an official from the Ministry of Agriculture told the official press. .

In recent years, the Cuban authorities have received several shipments of rice donated by China and Vietnam, to meet the nutritional deficiencies of the population and meet the rationed quota sold in warehouses.

Recently, the Cuban government admitted thedifficulties and lack of credits to guarantee food of the basic regulated basket of the population.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández, once again said that the "economy is in a complex situation" and acknowledged that they do not have credits to buy food, resorting to the usual justifications of the global crisis, the rise in prices and the impact of the embargo.

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