Governor Miguel Díaz-Canel recognized that there is a "painful reality of mostly young emigration," which he attributed to "the illusion of good capitalism" and said that those who remain on the island son "those who support the country".
"Here we have discussed, without euphemisms, the painful reality of a largely young emigration that, between economic difficulties, material shortages and the mirage of a “good capitalism” -non-existent, as is already known-, believes or feels that the high education acquired in Cuban socialism will not be able to be carried out with personal success in his homeland," he stated when speaking at the XII Congress of the Union of Young Communists (UJC).
Unable to recognize the weight of state inefficiency and the lack of freedoms in the Cuban crisis, Díaz-Canel added he recognized those who remain on the island: "We are not going to discuss the relativity of those aspirations or deny those children of Cuba who chose another destiny for the rest of their lives, because Today is the time to talk about those who are here and now", he pointed.
In that sense, he stated that The young people who decide to stay on the island are the ones who "sustain the country" and "the Revolution" and face "economic needs."
As usual, the president blamed the US embargo for these needs and the lack of prospects that Cubans find on the island. Nor did he recognize that emigration today is the lifeline of the regime, which devises time and again mechanisms – such as virtual stores, virtual services and businesses in Freely Convertible Currency – to extract money from its emigrants.
The president does not miss the opportunity to ask Cubans for confidence that better times will come, something that many people doubt in the midst of the acute political, social and economic crisis in Cuba. Díaz-Canel had to affirm at the meeting that the state of mind of the population "is critical."
The day before, and after verifying the drastic decrease in militancy in the UJC, the regime asked the young people to stay in the country to build "collective happiness", and approved that foreigners "identified with the principles of the revolution" can enter the ranks of the organization.
After recognizing the serious national crisis that pushed more than half a million people to leave the island In the last two years, the head of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee, Rogelio Polanco, even asked the new generations to "change the meaning of happiness" for one that is viable within the country in crisis.
Last February Diaz-Canel He protested against the few UJC militants who were in a construction company on the Isle of Youth. He was concerned when he found that in the construction company of the special municipality there are 62 young people and none of them are members of the organization.
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