Amelia Calzadilla and her husband leave Cuba

"It hurts, it hurts a lot to know how this government throws away honesty, intelligence, people who are valuable and, above all, love Cuba."

Amelia Calzadilla, Tony Díaz y sus tres hijos en La Habana © Facebook / Amelia Calzadilla
Amelia Calzadilla, Tony Díaz and their three children in Havana Photo © Facebook / Amelia Calzadilla

Amelia Calzadilla, the young woman who gained notoriety in networks after in the middle of last year harshly attacked the Cuban leadership, left the country, as revealed by activist Yamilka Lafita Cancio.

"There are see you later, that hurt deeply. With Amelia and Tony it was one of those, that leave scars. I met them one day when they showed up at home to deliver help to a girl admitted to William. After that day, There were several visits, almost always to help with help and a quick coffee. In this photo is our last coffee in Cuba",wrote on Facebook Lafita Cancio, known by her pseudonym "Lara Crofs."

"The rest remains to be told. They know that they have always had our support, and also vice versa," added the activist, whoHe did not offer other details about the route by which the couple leaves the country, nor if they are traveling accompanied by their three children.

In the final part of her publication - which she accompanied with a photo - "Lara Crofs" stated that she has already fired around twenty friends in the last two years, something she considers evidence of how the regime "discards" people who are worth it. in Cuba.

"Amelia and Tony were the 23rd and 24th friends that I said goodbye to in two years from Cuba, and it hurts, it hurts a lot to know how this government throws away honesty, intelligence, people who are valuable and, above all, love Cuba.", he concluded.

Facebook Capture/Lara Crofs

In recent days the influencerAlexander Otaola had anticipated that Amelia Calzadilla had won a scholarship in Spain and thather husband He was in the Iberian nation waiting for her.

With an ironic congratulation, Otaola - who has attacked Amelia on several occasions in the last year - said goodbye with an ironic postscript: "Screaming gets more than gas."

Captura de Facebook/Alexander Otaola

In the comments section of Otaola's publication,Dozens of Internet users defended Amelia Calzadilla's right to leave the country and took the opportunity to point out that she did more from the island than others who only criticize from outside.

It was at the end of June 2022 that Amelia Calzadilla went viral on the networks by attacking the leadership, to whom she asked until when the people would have to continue paying her comforts,at the same time he called on them to do their job well or "sell the country", because the Cubans can't take it anymore.

“How long are the people going to continue paying for your comforts? Have you read in the dictionary what the word “minister” means? It means a public official who serves others, not us, you,” he questioned at the beginning of an eight-minute live broadcast on Facebook.

In the video, which went viral in a few hours, the young mother first exploded against the then Minister of Energy and Mines -Liván Nicolás Arronte Cruz- and then continued with messages for Miguel Díaz-Canel, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and even for Lis Cuesta .

In that first video that launched her into the public light, Calzadilla, a resident of a building located in Calzada de Buenos Aires and Councilor Arango, in the Cerro municipality of Havana, explained that since July 2021 - when the government increased electricity rates - She paid thousands of pesos in cash every month because she did not have gas in her home to cook for her children.

In the final segment of his broadcast, Amelia left a direct message to the Cuban people that resonated deeply at that moment.

"My question goes to the people: People of Cuba, Cuban mother who wakes up in the morning like me, worried about having the light taken away, who doesn't know what you are going to give your children for food at the end of the afternoon when come home from school, you don't know where you could get money to buy a backpack for 5,000 pesos.To you, I ask you: how much longer are you going to last? Because I can't take it anymore"he questioned.

The fiery message turned Amelia Calzadilla into a public figure who in recent monthsreturned to social media on several occasions: sometimes forcriticize different topics of Cuban reality, others to defend themselves from attacks and questions about their person, and others to act as a spokesperson for just causes.

In August Amelia warned that she would continue using her networks to ask for blood donations for children who need it, to talk about topics that she considered important, and that no one was going to silence her.

At the closing of this note there are no other confirmed details about the departure of Amelia Calzadilla and her husband from Cuba.

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