They ask for help for a father and his daughter who lost everything due to a fire in Havana

The fire was sparked by the explosion of a motorcycle at night, when the father and the girl were sleeping. Luckily they were able to get out in time and were not injured.

Cubans are asking for help toa father and his daughter who suffered a fire in their house in Havana and they lost absolutely everything.

A reader ofCyberCubanamed Elda Alicia Cervantes wrote to this editorial team to give visibility to the case. The affected person is namedGerardo and resides in the Electrical Distribution, in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality.

The fire broke out due to the explosion of a motorcycle at night, when both the father and the girl were sleeping. Fortunately, they were able to get out in time and were not injured.

"He was left with nothing," Elda Alicia said.

The woman recorded a video of the house completely destroyed by flames, directed at the comedianLimay Blanco, who develops a project to help people without resources.

"I am presenting this to you, to see what possibility there is of some help that you can give them, at least the windows, dining room set, living room, because everything was disastrous," he stated.

The footage allows you to see the extent of the damage, with all furniture, electrical equipment and other items melted by the fire. Only the walls and ceiling remained standing.

HeThe accident occurred on Thursday, and the house is located on the Managua Causeway, in front of the officers' house at the entrance to the Electrical Distribution.

Photo: Facebook / BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims! / Disnier Matos

The user Disnier Matos shared photos on the wall ofFacebook of the "Bus and Truck Accidents" group.

Photo: Facebook / BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and fewer victims! / Disnier Matos

By the end of october,Limay Blanco delivered a new home to a family that lost their home in September in a similar fire in the Boyeros municipality, in Havana.

The house - number 26 of the solidarity project carried out by the comedian - was built in a few weeks thanks to donations from people who were moved by the story of the couple and their two girls, who lost almost everything in the accident.

A few hours before, Limay celebrated the gesture of afriend who donated 40 thousand pesos to buy the door of the property.

By then the house was practically complete thanks to the delivery of 17 bags of cement, 11 three-meter zinc sheets, 300 blocks and 14 meters of slab.

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