Cuban dentist dedicates her life to bodybuilding: “The gym has been a before and after”

A young Cuban woman has dedicated her body and soul to bodybuilding in the last year.

Joven pinareña que representará a su provincia en campeonato nacional © Guerrillero
Young woman from Pinar del Río who will represent her province in the national championship Photo © Guerrillero

Karla Pérez Rubier, a young dentist residing inPinewood of the river, He is preparing to represent his province in the 2023 Classic Cuban National Bodybuilding Championship, scheduled to be held starting November 19.

It was a year ago that Pérez Rubier discovered the activity to which he now dedicates many hours a day.

“Two things mainly caught my attention, one, the opportunity to improve myself in the pursuit of a goal, two, the aesthetic beauty created by exercise. This last factor is very important for us women,” Pérez Rubier explained in statements to the local newspaper.Guerrilla.

At the "Coliseo" gym, where she now goes at least twice a day - and sometimes even more - Karla claims that she went in search of physical changes, but she found much more than that.

The gym has been a before and after in my life. Sport, in general, brings with it arduous disciplinary routines and competitive bodybuilding specifically. In addition to training routines, he spends time practicing poses and a diet that is unique, specific to this sport, therefore, the change is radical. In my case I have assumed it, more than anything, with a very clear responsibility,” he explained.

The young Cuban bodybuilder Karla Pérez Rubier (Photo: Guerrillero)

The young woman defends that bodybuilding is above all a way of life, with well-established routines that - unlike other sports - can be practiced in most cases throughout life, something she describes as "admirable."

Karla Pérez Rubier assures that she has the support of her husband, to whom she has been married for four years.

“My husband Alexander is a very big pillar for me. Your support has been exceptional, understanding, accompanying me in this process. He has never let go of my hand. We have a very mature relationship and he knows that I love him, of course, without his company, patience and tolerance above all, none of this would have been possible today," the young woman explained.

Karla Pérez says that the gym has made her more organized and responsible, that she enjoys "everything" there, from the hard training to the friends she makes, and affirms that it is a place without which she cannot conceive her life right now.

The young bodybuilder feels happy to represent her province in a national tournament, although she admits that it generates “some anxiety” because she considers herself very competitive in all aspects of her life.

The young Cuban bodybuilder Karla Pérez Rubier during a training session at the Coliseo gym, in Pinar del Río (Photo: Guerrillero)

“It is the first championship in which I will participate, but the goal is to win, it is always important to go out and give everything. I can't imagine being one more. I train twice a day, I have careful attention from my coaches, and that cannot be rewarded in any other way than with sacrifice and dedication,” he points out.

Karla Pérez emphasizes that bodybuilding has several categories and that women can always choose one of them.

“There are some that require more muscle mass, such asbodybuilding and others much less, like the bikini.The one I specifically participate in is the category wellness, which rewards more the muscular development of the legs and glutes", it needs.

Karla Pérez Rubier celebrates that sports activities have opened up exponentially for women in recent years, which is why she considers sport "a weapon of inclusion."

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