Pedro Sánchez invested as President of the Government of Spain

The investiture comes after several months of negotiations and in the midst of a social division.

Pedro Sanchez was inaugurated this Thursday as president of the Government of Spainin the Congress of Deputies after achieving the support of seven political parties.

Sánchez obtained the votes of Sumar, PNV, Bildu, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), Junts, Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG) and Canarian Coalition.

The candidate of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) won the presidencywith 179 votes in favor and 171 against.

The investiture ceremony comes after almost four months of intense negotiations thatculminated in an amnesty pact with the Catalan independentists last week, which generated several protests and a climate of social division regarding the measure.

In recent weeks, hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets in the main cities of Spain to protest against the new amnesty law, agreed with the Catalan independentists in exchange for their vote in favor of the investiture.

In the first session of the investiture debate, the leader of the PSOE made a series of social announcements, including free public transport starting in 2024, rental bonuses or aid for mortgage holders.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, candidate of the Popular Party (PP) has approached Pedro Sánchez after the result of the vote.

"I told him that what he just did was a mistake."said Núñez Feijóo in statements reported by the Spanish press.

"Pedro Sánchez achieves a closed investiture in Waterloo. I will lead the opposition defending the equality of all Spaniards and in the face of the greatest attack on the rule of law."History will not give him amnesty."Núñez Feijóo wrote on Twitter.

The PP candidate was the most voted in the presidential elections held in July, but did not achieve the necessary support from the remaining political formations to govern.

Born in Madrid on February 29, 1972, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón has been President of the Government of Spain since June 2018. He has a doctor in Economics and general secretary of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), which he joined in 1993.

He was also general secretary of the PSOE, leader of the opposition, and candidate for the Presidency of the Government between 2014 and 2016.

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