Cuban father does not hide his tears after his daughter's surprise visit

These emotional videos make many who see them cry, even if they are strangers.

Andemotional encounter experienced by a Cuban fatherin recent days, after receiving a surprise visit from his daughter in Cuba.

In a video broadcast on the account ofFacebook of Cuban reggaeton artist El UNIKO, the man is seen surprised by the arrival of his daughter in a car and they immediately embrace each other.

The video has aroused emotions among users of this social network, although it is not accompanied by any details about the girl's origin or the place in Cuba she visited.

Very nice, they did it to me too, but now I am the one who is going to do the same to those who remain in Cuba,” said Cuban Osmany Muñoz.

Marianela Golan, for her part, commented: “I always cry for people I don't know”.

Antonio Corrales also wanted to express his emotion about the video and wrote: “It's very nice to reach your loved ones and give them that surprise.”.

The musical track that accompanies the clip of just over a minute is “I will come back”, by El Uniko and El White, a topic that has gained special relevance on social networks, after it became thesoundtrack of reunions of Cuban families.

Family separations are one of the greatest pains that Cubans experience, who are forced to go their separate ways for both economic and political reasons. Although those who emigrate have better opportunities and a dignified life, the absence of their loved ones is a thorn that family members cannot unearth.

Many Cubans decide to share the surprise visits they make to their relatives, especially mothers and fathers.

Recently,A young Cuban visited his parents without prior notice after five years without seeing them.

Yoifre Figueroa He prepared the surprise on his father's birthday, according to the video broadcast on TikTok where the emotion of the moment they met is captured.

Another moving reunion was shared byDiliannis's TikTok account (@cuqui095), whenA Cuban who had not seen his family for nine years was reunited with his mother and other members on a return trip to Cuba.

These emotional videos make many who see them cry, even if they are strangers, and are a symptom of the collective drama of Cubans, who do not get used to distance and separation from their own.

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