Nadia Ferreira confesses if she rated Marc Anthony's ex differently in Miss Universe 2023

Nadia Ferreira talks about the participation of Marc Anthony's ex in Miss Universe

Nadia Ferreira © Instagram / Nadia Ferreira
Nadia Ferreira Photo © Instagram / Nadia Ferreira

Nadia Ferreira returned to Miss Universe as a jury after being the first finalist in the 2021 edition. Within the framework of the beauty pageant, which saw Sheynnis Palacios as the winner, the Paraguayan model offered an interview to Carlos Adyan for the American television program At home with Telemundo.

During the talk she opened up about her family life with Marc Anthony and their son together; her professional projects and also about the comments that arose when it was learned that she was going to be a jury for the contest, since in Her husband's ex, Mariana Downing, also participated, but as a candidate for the title of queen.

"One of the best things that has happened to me is having my family, it's something I always dreamed of." and I feel like a fulfilled woman in many parts of my life. However, professionally I still have a lot to do," confessed Nadia Ferreira, who is in a very happy moment.

Mom's experience is being very enriching for the former beauty queen, who He hopes to continue expanding his family. We remember that Marco is the couple's first child, but the seventh child for Marc Anthony.

"My son has changed my life. The most beautiful thing that has happened to me, I give my life for that creature who looks at me with love. It's a feeling that I can't even explain. It's something wonderful," she added about motherhood.

And when Carlos Adyan asked her about all the comments that arose from her participation as a jury and Marc Anthony's ex as one of the candidates for the crown, she said: "First I am a mature woman, I know what she and the other candidates are going through and most importantly, I think she is a very beautiful woman and has the possibilities like everyone else. I know that she will do very well in her career".

Mariana Downing, representative of the Dominican Republic in this competition, and the salsa singer had a relationship in 2017.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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