Representative for Human Rights of the European Union on trip to Cuba: “All issues were discussed”

At the time of writing this note, it is unknown if Gilmore visited any of the more than a thousand political prisoners of the dictatorship or their relatives, as demanded by members of Cuban civil society, opponents and a majority of European parliamentarians.

Reunión de Eamon Gilmore con autoridades en La Habana © X / @AcnuCuba
Meeting of Eamon Gilmore with authorities in Havana Photo © X / @AcnuCuba

The Representative for Human Rights (HR) of theEuropean Union (EU), Eamon Gilmore, claimed to have “discussed all the issues” in a meeting held this Friday with authorities of the Cuban regime and supposed “civil society actors.”

“A full day of meetings with the Minister of Justice, the Deputy Minister of the Interior, the Attorney General, the National Assembly and with a wide range of civil society organizations and actors, of diverse origins and opinions. All issues were discussed,” Gilmore said through his social networks.

Gathered at the headquarters of the Cuban Association of the United Nations (ACNU), surrounded by propaganda posters of the revolution and a giant portrait of Fidel, the EU official finally ended up playing the role he feared so much.independent civil society.

“Mr. Eamon Gilmore, Special Representative of the European Union for Human Rights, exchanges with representatives of Cuban civil society. This activity takes place within the framework of his visit to Cuba,” said the ACNU in X.

Meeting with officials and sympathizers of the regime in the Vedado mansion belonging to this association, Gilmore was received by its president,Norma Goicoechea Estenoz, Whoever it wasambassador of Cuba before the European Union, and who defines herself on her social networks as "mother, grandmother and revolutionary. President of the ACNU. Fidel and Martí taught us that a better world is possible. Better Without Blockade."

At the time of writing this note, it is unknown if the Representative for Human Rights of the European bloc visited any ofthe more than a thousand political prisoners of the dictatorship or their families, as they demanded from the EUmembers of Cuban civil society, opponents anda majority of European parliamentarians.

Once again, the expectations of all these actors are apparently relegated in the framework of relations that the EU intends to build with the Cuban regime.through the Cooperation and Political Dialogue Agreement (ACDP) that it maintains with Havana, which includes holding dialogues on human rights issues, the fourth edition of which Gilmore co-chaired.

The statement by the High Representative's envoy,Joseph Borrell, comes to legitimize the dialogue that the EU maintains with the totalitarian Cuban regime, despite the constant complaints of its systematic violations of the rights and freedoms of Cubans, and the existence of more than a thousand political prisoners on the Island.

Gilmore's visit will serve to "analyze the situation created before, during and after the demonstrations and arrests" of 11J,Borrell said in May, during his visit to Havana. However, as of today, his envoy has not even mentionedthe historic protests of 11J, or the hundreds of its protesters who remain in prisons.

“A clarification, Mr. Eamon Gilmore: you have met with the biggest abusers in Cuba and with a part of civil society that is allowed to meet with you because your opinions will not be a danger to the 'continuity' of the repression by the most vulnerable civil society,” the activist clarified.Saily Gonzalez to the European official.

“These are parastatal organizations, formed by people who are members of the Communist Party. If he only met with them, his trip to Cuba had no added value for the victims of the regime and for those of us who wish to live in a democratic and free nation,” a Cuban responded to Gilmore on the networks.

“Which civil society did you meet with? Because, if they are related to the regime, those are tentacles of the PCC; "They are not independent, they do what the party dictates, meet with Cuba in Mourning, Ladies in White and with the political prisoners in the dungeons of the dictatorship," the activist responded.Iliana Hernandez.

“A whole day wasted. A day full of lies and ineffective diplomacy. A full day of foolish complicity. A day full of cruelty and pain for thousands of families with political prisoners,” one Internet user reproached Gilmore.

“Ha! 'All the topics discussed' with those who repress, imprison and force Cubans into exile. Those who will do absolutely nothing to change the situation. You and the European Union are beyond parody. "They continue to legitimize and prop up that hateful, bloody and murderous regime," said another of the more than 160 Cubans who commented on Gilmore's networks, outraged at the connivance of the European Union with the totalitarian Cuban regime.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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