Cuban family survives in extreme poverty in Baracoa

Solidarity Cubans have mobilized to help a sick teenager and his family, who live in inhumane conditions in the town of Las Minas, in Guantánamo.

Familia vive en condiciones infrahumanas en Las Minas © Facebook/Aníbal Ferrand
Family lives in inhumane conditions in Las Minas Photo © Facebook/Aníbal Ferrand

Solidarity Cubans have mobilized to help afamily surviving in extreme poverty in the rural town of Las Minas, in the Baracoa municipality, Guantánamo.

The activistAníbal Ferrand, who is part of a group of Cubans who provide humanitarian aid to vulnerable people, made visible the deplorable conditions in which the family made up of a father and his children live, one of them suffering from a neoplasia (tumor).

Facebook capture/Aníbal Ferrand

“Sad case. 17-year-old boy, from Las Minas (27 river steps to get to the house), with testicular neoplasia. "He lives in inhumane conditions, let's all help with what we can,"Ferrand wrote. on Facebook.

The photos show terrible scenes in the 21st century: The family lives in the middle of the mountains, in somehuts built on the ground, with yaguas, palm leaves and tree trunks, in which they only have a bunk bed, there are no chairs, table or kitchen; nor electricity, water and other essential elements to live as humans.

The lack of adequate nutrition and lack of medical care have also taken a toll on their health., and the fragile physical state in which they are found is alarming.

Ferrand urged his followers and others to collaborate to help the teenager and his family, and asked for help to find a means of transportation to deliver donations to the intricate place. A user immediately put a tractor at his disposal to carry what was collected.

In the comments, several Cubans, residents inside and outside the country, have already expressed their willingness to cooperate.

Dozens of people have reacted and commented on the situation of this family, inabsolute misery, anddoes not have government help, despite the adolescent's illness.

Many questioned thelack of sensitivity and capacity of the authorities to solve social cases and, in addition, they denounced thecorruption of leaders in the province, who embezzle and appropriate for their benefit state resources that should be allocated to the population.

"These are the social workers that Baracoa has and other leaders who only want everything for themselves, to make a lot of money by selling everything, construction materials and donation items that have arrived to distribute to the victims of the cyclones and other events," he denounced. a woman.

The user also revealed the case of a Housing official in Guamá, a relative of the delegate of that municipality, who has two “mansions.” “Like him, all or almost all Housing officials have done the same thing as that guy, they take away the right to subsidies or social cases from those who need them and use them for themselves,” he stated.

The case of this family is one of the hundreds or thousands that exist in Cuba, and that transcend thanks to the complaints and thealtruistic work of activists, independent organizations and ordinary people in society who try to supplement, to the extent of their possibilities and limited scope, thelack of care and social assistance from the regime to vulnerable people in all the country.

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