Cuban government fails to comply with housing construction plan in 2023

The regime has been failing to comply with the housing construction plan for several consecutive years but has not failed in the hotel construction plan, despite the fact that they have very low occupancy.

Solar en la Habana Vieja (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Solar in Old Havana (reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The Cuban government recognized that in 2023 it will fail to comply with the housing construction plan, despite the fact that thousands of Cuban families are homeless.

Granma reported that at the end of October only about 13,300 properties were completed in Cuba, which represents a54% of annual plan.

The regime indicated that thebreach this year it is due to "lack of cement and steel." "Methods and forms of work" have also been a problem.

The first Minister,Manuel Marrero Cruz, said that governors must reorient work systems for greater demand and control.

"We have to start a different system, and promote this as an essential, social, revolutionary movement, to be able to provide a response to the population," said Marrero. However, similar words have been repeated for years and thehousing crisis worsens in Cuba.

Dilaila Díaz Fernández, general director of materials at the Ministry of Construction, said that there is a lack of bricks to build in the country. So far in 2023, four million more blocks have been delivered than in the same period in 2022, however, only 52% of the need has been met.

René Mesa Villafaña, Minister of Construction in Cuba for decades despite not complying with housing plans, said that they are insisting in each province on promoting local production of materials.

"We have insisted on how to develop this local production and how we are going to multiply the cement that is delivered, although with clay we can make everything that is floor, wall and ceiling elements," he assured.

The economist Pedro Monreal invited the regime to polish its speech because the new economic actors will not solve the housing crisis in Cuba.

In October, it was learned that Cuba currently maintains adeficit of 800,000 homes. The figure emerged during a meeting of the Council of Ministers on the delays in compliance with the housing plan.

In 2022 they only met the58% of planned plan. According to the regime, they did not reach the total objective due to having limitations with cement, steel, imported raw materials, metal carpentry, paint, sanitary furniture and other supplies.

While the government debates its continued failures in housing construction and thousands of families are homeless or live in conditions of extreme poverty with danger of collapse, the construction of hotels for tourism continues to grow in Cuba.

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