Miami police arrested a 31-year-old woman identified as Lindsay Valcin after she appeared on video beating her dog to death and throwing it in a trash can.
The woman was arrested on Tuesday after a neighbor alerted authorities and said he had a video showing the brutal abuse inflicted on a Yorkshire terrier dog on the balcony of her apartment in Liberty City, reportedLocal 10.
The images, captured at 9:30 pm on November 29, show the woman hittingthe pet until he killed her and then threw her body in a garbage container.
The incident occurred at the apartment building located at 750 NW 69th St.
The neighbor who witnessed the cruelty recorded the video and immediately reported it to the police, who were able to verify that Valcin was "partially naked", repeatedly hitting the Yorkshire terrier while calling her a "silly bitch."
The animal's screams and cries during the attack were audible on the recording.
At one point, Valcin grabs the dog by the tail and slams it against the glass balcony door, asking, "Why the hell did you do that?"
Afterwards, he grabs him by the head and continues hitting him several times against the glass door.
The authorities indicated that these would be the last words he would hearthe helpless pet. Finally, Valcin threw the dog to the ground in the corner of the balcony and hit it with a red shopping cart before leaving it lifeless on the balcony.
When police and Miami-Dade Animal Services questioned Valcin, she initially claimed the dog was with her mother.
He then changed his story and said that his dog had been stolen.
Police found the dog's body in a black bag inside a trash container, wrapped in a gray baby blanket.
The necropsy determined that the Yorkshire terrier died froma trauma with blunt force due to skull fracture.
Police arrested Valcin on a felony charge of animal cruelty with intent to injure or kill.
At the court appearance, a prosecutor described the act as "extreme violence to a defenseless animal."
The woman was granted $5,000 bail and prohibited from having contact with animals.
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