Who is the MININT officer who signs the list accusing Cubans of terrorism?

Bravet Garófalo is one of the visible faces of the brutal and oversized repressive machinery of the Cuban regime. He is the same person who, three days after 11J in Cuba, warned on national television that the cry of "Patria y Vida" could be considered a crime of instigation to commit a crime.

The first colonel Moraima Bravet Garófalo is the official of the Ministerio del Interior (MININT) who signed Resolution 19/2023 that made public the name of persons and entities included by the Cuban regime in its “National List of Terrorists”.

From her position as Head of the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the MININT, Bravet Garófalo, is the authorized official – according to Resolution 16 issued by the Minister of the Interior, Lázaro Alberto Álvarez Casas- to issue a resolution regarding the inclusion of persons and entities in the aforementioned National List.

“Once the approval of the consulted authorities and bodies has been obtained, and the proposal for the identification and designation of persons and entities linked to acts of terrorism has been approved by the Minister of the Interior,” the first colonel is the one who signs the accusatory Resolution, reason for which The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba includes her in its list of "repressors".

The National List published on Thursday, December 7, includes 61 people and 19 entities that Havana accuses of sponsoring terrorism in Cuba, and about whom it mentions the existence of several investigative files and states that “they are wanted by the authorities.” Cubans.”

The MININT "ensures the existence of reasonable reasons or bases to include them (...) in the National List of terrorists, with duly documented evidentiary elements, that satisfy the designation criteria defined in the international and national standards mentioned in this Resolution."

The list includes people allegedly linked to terrorist attacks against the dictator Fidel Castro, or those committed in Havana hotels during the 90s of the last century, until well-known influencers and activists of these times.

Considered by various analysts as a response to the inclusion once again of Cuba on the List of countries sponsoring Terrorism prepared by the US government, the Resolution 19/2023 It has been denounced as an intimidating instrument and a new repressive formula of the Cuban totalitarian regime, which seeks to dismantle the actions of independent civil society through terror.

Bravet Garófalo is the visible face of that brutal and oversized repressive machinery of the Cuban regime. It's the same person who three days after the historic 11J protests in Cuba, appeared on a special program Humberto Lopez to intimidate the protesters, accusing them of various crimes, among which The cry of "Patria y Vida" was even considered a crime of instigation to commit a crime..

“Instigators can be, as was seen in the Güinera case, people on motorcycles shouting 'Up!' or 'Homeland and Life!'. "That is instigating disorder," the first colonel then said before the controversial television presenter, identified as a notorious white-collar repressor in the service of the Counterintelligence of the Cuban regime.

The MININT official was the one who explained that, after the protests, “an investigative process begins in which we must go to the end: look for who else participated, the degree of participation of each one and, above all, reach the organizers, the instigators. ", those who financed to cause this disorder in the country and give a wrong image."

Bravet Garófalo was designated by the Cuban regime to reinforce its matrix of opinion that the peaceful protesters of July 11, 2021 committed “acts of vandalism, throwing Molotov cocktails and stones, attacks on people and public spaces.”

“The vast majority of detained people are not those who go at a certain time to complain about something that they dislike. There may be some, but in these violent events, the majority of detainees have criminal records of disobedience, injuries, threats, attacks, contempt, robbery with force, public disorder, possession of weapons, resistance. Some of them have several of these antecedents and are repeat offenders for specific reasons,” he listed.

As responsible for the investigative process of all those detained and accused of 11J, Bravet Garófalo is also responsible for the injustice committed by the regime against more than a thousand political prisoners imprisoned for the sole crime of exercising their right to demonstration and free expression.

A key piece in the regime's repressive machinery, the first colonel Bravet Garófalo is subordinate to Division General Álvarez Casas and the Brigadier General of the MININT, Alejandro Castro Espín, director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Security Services State Security, as well as Secretary of Defense and National Security of the island.

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