Cuban regime intensifies repression on International Human Rights Day

The repressive apparatus of the Cuban government spared no effort or resources to prevent any demonstration of denunciation or protest over the constant violation of human rights on the island.

The Cuban regime used its repressive arsenal thisDecember 10, International Human Rights Day, when he intensified thearbitrary arrests, surveillance and house fences and actions of intimidation and harassment of opponents, activists, relatives of political prisoners and journalists independents in the country.

The repressive apparatus of the Cuban government spared no effort or resources to prevent any demonstration of denunciation or protest over the constant violation of human rights on the island.

On this Sunday morning the activist was arrestedAgustín López Canino, who every year calls for a peaceful march in the Cuban capital on this date, andWilber Aguilar, father of the political prisoner of 11JWalnier Luis Aguilar.

The activistCarolina Barrero and theCuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) They uploaded to the social network

“Wilber Aguilar, human rights defender and father of political prisoner Walnier Luis Aguilar, was arbitrarily detained on the morning of December 10, human rights day. Freedom for Wilber and all the activists detained by the Cuban dictatorship. "They won't silence us!" Barrero posted.

In a subsequent publication on the activist's profile it is read: “In Cuba there are no human rights or humans with rights. Hunger, repression, injustice, and the infinite pain that accompanies us will be summoned to the streets. Reality is speaking, no one listens to it, enough of so much evil. Freedom for my son Walnier and all political prisoners. The truth is imprisoned in the saddest country in the world. Liberaaaaaad.”

Facebook capture/Wilbon Wilbon

The independent journalistYoani Sánchez, site director14 intervene, announced López's arrest: "They arrested this Sunday morning the activist Agustín López Canino who every year calls for a peaceful march on the coast of Havana for Human Rights Day," he said.

In a previous post, Sánchez had already denounced the harassment of her and her family: “Human Rights Day and we woke up with the internet connection cut off and our house under surveillance.”

The journalist is also under house arrest.Camila Acosta, ofCubaNet, who two days ago published: “From today I have police surveillance outside my home. The objective is to prevent me from going out on the streets before, during and after International Human Rights Day. This is the fourth time in four consecutive years that this date has been commemorated.”

Acosta denounced the police siege again this Sunday, in a thread of publications on the social network X.

Another tweet of the day shows a photo of a patrol near his house keeping watch and the text: “December 10, Cuba.”

The home ofSaily Núñez, wife of political prisonerMaikel Puig Bergolla, also woke up besieged by a police car.

“This is how I woke up today on the day of Human Rights, where there are none here and they are violated, where the word freedom makes them tremble and they take strategies like these, where the truth is very annoying because they did not commit any crime and despite the confinement, the torture on your part has continued since day one. They lack medical supplies, the food is terrible, the abuse towards them and even towards their family. Enough of so much abuse. A thousand times justice and freedom for my husband Maikel Puig Bergolla. Down with the dictatorship,” denounced the mother of two children, who has kept her voice loud for the freedom of her husband and other political prisoners.

Facebook Capture/Saily Nuñez

The wife of another political prisoner also began the day with State Security agents stationed in front of her home. “From very early on the house ofDelanis Alvarez Matos, wife of the political prisoner of11J, Duniesky Ruiz Cañizares”, published the OCDH.

Theactivist Diasniurka Salcedo also woke up “without internet and under police surveillance”. Since Saturday, he had reported an operation by the political police around his house.

Facebook Capture/Isis Ro

The day before, in an obvious display of force and intimidationThe police deployed their troops in Bayamo, Granma, which surprised and outraged the city's residents. Many people questioned the carrying out of the caravan at a time when the country's economic crisis has escalated to the point of not being able to have ambulances to transport patients in need of urgent care.

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