Government denies information about the sale of expired products from a stolen container

The false note warned of a container with food that contained Salmonella bacteria, which was stolen and was being sold at low prices to get rid of it quickly.

Noticia falsa en Internet © Gobierno Cuba / Twitter
Fake news on the Internet Photo © Government of Cuba / Twitter

The Havana authorities denied information circulating on the Internet about the alleged sale of expired food stolen from a container.

The Cuban government shared photos of a notice circulating on social networks, which warns about a hypothetical container that was sent to be thrown away, which had expired products that were stolen and were being sold at low prices to get rid of them quickly.

"The information about the sale of expired products from a stolen container in Havana is FALSE," the regime emphasizes on its Twitter account.

He false message adds that there are already intoxicated people, with vomiting and diarrhea, and that the information was broadcast on television, in Buenos Días Magazine.

It also points out that the Ministry of Public Health warns that you should not buy any Arcor brand product: neither juices, nor yogurts, nor canned sardines, since supposedly Analysis was done and it was confirmed that they carry the Salmonella bacteria..

"We must pass on the information because antibiotics against this bacteria are scarce," the misleading text emphasizes.

The authorities called on the population to inform themselves through official channels.

The official portal Cubadebate echoed the government's response, and recalled that this message about an alleged infestation of Arcor brand products with salmonella already circulated on the Internet in January 2020.

Last week, the Cuban official press came out ready to deny a rumor that circulated on the networks, which warned of the imminent elimination of the notebook of supply.

"Cubadebate denies the false news spread on social networks by a false profile of Cubadebate and another by its director Randy Alonso, where the population is informed about the supposed elimination of the supply book," the media indicated.

The false note reported that, after a 15-year study, the booklet would begin to be eliminated, which would be replaced by another one intended for retirees and social workers for the acquisition of the basic items of the basic basket, and that the process would begin by the eastern provinces.

"The rest of the population will be able to purchase food products in MSMEs at the supply and demand price," the hoax stated.

In June, the regime denied information that announced close surveillance of communications and constant monitoring of social networks, by recording conversations and monitoring phone calls and text messages.

"Anything you write or say can be used against you, even any joke! That contains derogatory and immoral words that threaten the morality and integrity of our maximum leader Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and other social justice bodies," warned the false message that circulated on the Internet.

"All calls will be recorded. All phone call recordings are recorded. All WhatsApp messages and calls are recorded. Twitter monitoring. Facebook monitoring. Monitoring of all social networks and forums," the notice added.

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