Official source denies arrest of former FAR minister Leopoldo Cintra Frías

An official source described the alleged arrest of Cintra Frías as "cognitive warfare" and "information manipulation."

Leopoldo Cintra Frías ©

An elusive publication this Monday on the official Facebook profile "Noticias Habana" denied the alleged arrest of Leopoldo Cintra Frías, General of the Army Corps and former minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), who according to information that circulated in the last hoursHe had been detained by State Security over the weekend.

With the word"LIES" and "FAKE NEWS" superimposed on the information disseminated on this subject until now - and without mentioning the retired military man by name - "Havana Noticias" broke down into four points the concepts that in its opinion motivate the dissemination of such information.

Based on the concept"cognitive warfare", the text says that "in a cognitive war, the parties involved seek to influence the perception of reality through the manipulation of information."

Intended to give a lesson in transparency - despite the regrettable record of the official press - the text added that Cognitive warfare is based "on psychological principles to influence people's attitudes, emotions and behaviors"and in "strategies such as emotional manipulation, persuasion, creating compelling narratives, and using cognitive biases."

Making extensive use of that war language that Cuban officials like so much, point three assured that "cognitive war can have political, military or geopolitical objectives"; and that "it is used to gain influence, destabilize an enemy, strengthen one's position, or change public perception on certain issues."

Capture of Facebook/Havana News

"I don't think you can talk about lies. When the river sounds in this country it is because it brings stones.", declared an Internet user in the comments section amidst various ridicule and criticism.

"They know everything by heart. How many times have they used those techniques?"; "It's true. The Cuban press does not manipulate information. The reason is because it is not the press and what it publishes is not information"; "They are talking about Granma, right?" were other opinions.

Beyond an alleged information science class, the official publication made no direct reference to the information that in the last few hours indicated that Leopoldo Cintra Frías was detained by members of State Security and the Military Intelligence Corps at his home. In the Habana.

to that rumorAdded to this was the alleged arrest of other senior officials within the Castro leadership., among whom would be Army Corps General Joaquín Quintas Solá, one of the four Army Chiefs of the FAR; and Carlos Latuff Carmenate, president of the Gaviota military complex.

In January of this year theCuban Movement of Military Conscientious Objectors, made up of former officers of the Armed Forces (FAR) and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT),He asked the FAR to protect the population with their weapons if necessary.

This year "there is the possibility of a new dawn for our country or the beginning of an even darker stage than the ones we have known until today," they said then.

The rumor about the alleged arrest of Castro's military and its denial come at a delicate moment in Cuba, in the midst of an economic crisis that has dwarfed the Special Period and a strong earthquake in the political sphere after the recentdismissal of Alejandro Gil as Minister of Economy and the subsequent announcement thatis being investigated for alleged corruption.

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