Tense exchange between Esteban Lazo and the Minister of Commerce: "Don't let capitalism swallow us up, girl!"

“Only here for things to work well do they have to be private!” said Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of Popular Power, in his speech.

Esteban Lazo Hernandez, president of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) and Betsy Diaz Velazquez, Minister of Internal Trade, had a tense exchange of words in the Services Commission, which meets in Havana prior to the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the 10th Legislature.

Díaz Velázquez informed the deputies belonging to said commission of the situation of the ministry he directs at the country level, among them he presented data on the non-state sector, an issue that motivated Lazo's concern.

“There are things that cannot be resolved from here, but the Assembly and this Commission can also give a mandate to the municipalities and what I am rather (is) calling for a mandate to attend to something as sensitive as gastronomy popular for people with lower incomes,” said Lazo without recognizing that the provisions in Cuba are maintained in a centralized manner and The autonomy of the municipalities seems to be a problem that is far from being resolved in Cuba despite the experiments that are carried out every year in the country., from political to economic guidelines.

In his words, the president of the ANPP seemed to be unaware of the way legislation is legislated in Cuba despite presiding over that body.

“There may be guidance from here. There may be agreements from the Assembly, but there must also be guidelines for the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power... The initiative that may exist, as has been discussed here in the Popular Council," he insisted.

Lazo's words come in a scenario in which the regime has admitted the ineffectiveness of its economic policy, among which he has included the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), many of them with a large part of business in goods and services to the population.

“I am referring a little to sensitivity, Don't let the ideas of capitalism swallow us up, girl, that's what I'm saying, don't let it swallow us up. Only here for things to work well do they have to be private!", Lazo said in an energetic tone.

But what Lazo forgets is that the position in which they find themselves the controversies MSMEs in Cuba It has been caused by the State's own shortcomings.

For this month of December the Cuban government confirmed that several essential products in the regulated basic basket were missing, despite the critical situation that the country's population is going through in order to feed itself.

However, many of these missing products are usually found in MSMEs themselves or on e-commerce pages such as Supermarket23.

The Minister who has been confronted by Lazo has also been the subject of memes by Cubans, when last October she excused the lack of peas in the country due to the freezing of rivers in Canada.

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