Alexis Valdés and Claudia Valdés on vacation in Singapore

The couple posted some beautiful photos from the SkyPark Observation Deck.

Alexis Valdés y Claudia Valdés en Singapur © Alexis Valdés / Facebook
Alexis Valdés and Claudia Valdés in Singapore Photo © Alexis Valdés / Facebook

The Cuban actorAlexis Valdes and his partner, the Cuban actress Claudia Valdes They are enjoying a vacation inSingapore.

From the Asian country, the popular artist has shared some beautiful photographs on his Instagram profile in which he appears with the actress in one of the most popular places in the capital, the SkyPark Observation Deck.

With an impressive view of the city and with faces that radiate happiness, the couple has been seen on social networks exuding complicity. "In itSkyPark Observation Deck, Singapore. With my Claudia Valdés," Alexis wrote.

Just a few days ago, Alexis Valdés was visiting China with his daughter América, a trip to the other side of the world that it seems that the artist has taken advantage of to make several stops and get to know other countries and cities on the Asian continent such as Singapore.

The actor and playwright also uploaded a video to his Instagram in which he can be seen walking down one of the city's streets and showing his followers a little of the architecture and culinary spaces that characterize Singapore.

"Very nice," said Alexis Valdés after taking his little tour.

He also shared another audiovisual showing Singapore at night as well as the different Christmas lights and decorations that decorate the city during these Christmas periods.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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