Government roasts 65 pigs at Holguín fair in greeting to the 65 years of the "Revolution"

The government sold half a pound of pork accompanied by fried food and vegetables for 500 pesos.

The authorities of the municipality of Holguín roasted 65 spiked pigs to sell at an agricultural fair at the end of the year.

Felix Vargas, a resident of the town, in the "Los Chinos" plaza, explained on his wall of Facebook that the pigs were sold at the rate of half a pound accompanied by fried food and vegetables, for 500 pesos.

Facebook screenshot / Félix Vargas

According to the old man, there was also the sale of "beef in very good condition" at 350 pesos in various parts of the city.

The newspaper Now reported that the fair includes offers of food, grains, vegetables, sausages and pork and beef.

The publication recognized that the Los Chinos market, where the 65 pigs were roasted, is the most powerful in the town, and as such its offer included other products such as plantain, cassava, pumpkin, sweet potato, rice, beans and chili, among others. .

"They have two tons of pork, one of sheep and one of fishing products," details the note, which does not specify what the offer is in other markets.

Facebook Capture / Newspaper Now

Los Chinos will be open on the 29th, 30th and 31st until noon, although only with food and rice.

Now He stressed that the authorities of the province and the municipality toured the place, concerned that there was no hoarding.

Although the tradition in Cuba is to eat pork to close the year, it is likely that this December 31 in many homes you will not be able to taste even a steak due to its high prices, both private and state.

In the middle of the month, that product had reached 580 pesos per pound in the capital.

Publications on social networks showed that in the Electric Delivery the pound of pork cost 580 pesos, the shoulder 560 and the rib 540 pesos.

For their part, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) did not have better options.

A box with 10 pounds of imported pork chops reached 10,500 pesos, if the meat was boneless it cost 10,700, and even the cut did not go below 2,600 pesos for four pounds.

Although in some provinces the authorities announced that this year's end would sell a certain volume of pork and some beef, since November they warned that it would be very difficult to lower the price due to the high cost of feed to feed the pigs and the drop in production.

"A feed is in the order of 110 thousand pesos, no matter how much we want it, because today in the country they want pork to go down, but with these prices that the raw material has it is very difficult for the pig to go down"said Idalexis Peña Echevarría, head of the Porcine company in Las Tunas.

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