Cuban women haunted after visiting a supermarket in Galicia

The young women wanted to buy pork fat to make pork rinds for the New Year's Eve dinner and at the supermarket they told them that they throw it away there, and they gave it to them as a gift.

Two Cuban women were shocked when they visited a supermarket in Galicia, where they left with a fairly large package of pigskin for which they did not have to pay anything.

The young women wanted to buy pork fat to make pork rinds for the New Year's Eve dinner, and what would be their surprise when they found out that they throw it away because they don't consume it, and therefore the employees gave it to them.

"We are Cubans and it turns out that we are in a supermarket in Galicia, and we wanted to make pork rinds for the 31st and they throw away the skin here in Galicia. It is with the rind of the pig's skin. It turns out that we ordered it, they looked at us as strange, as saying: 'why do they want that? We threw this away' and they gave it to us for free," Ana Mateu said excitedly on her account.TikTok.

The two girls showed the rest of the purchase: a leg, eggs, other types of meat and beer.

"I was shocked. This doesn't happen in Cuba, it would never happen," one of them stressed.

When many Cubans travel abroad and visit a shopping center for the first time, they are ecstatic at the variety of products, and they cannot help but compare them with the scarcity to which they were accustomed on the Island.

For some, the experience is so transcendental that they do not hesitate to record it to have that moment of memory.

In September, aCuban woman went to a bakery in Mexico and was shocked by the abundance of products derived from flour.

"Look at the variety and how much cleanliness, in Cuba you don't see any of this," he said.

In June, ayoung man who entered a supermarket in Miami commented on the variety of products that "not even Carlos III dared to do so much," in reference to the Carlos III store in Havana, once one of the stores with the most offers in Cuba, but which undoubtedly falls short of any supermarket in another country.

Natali, as she calls herself on TikTok, showed her admiration for foods such as fruits – kiwi, melons, bananas –, various meats and jams.

After saying that "he's just going to come in to look, that he's not going to buy anything because he's not going to take hisfood stamps for that," he left the premises with a crowded cart.

"I come with a hungry delay of years...", he stated.

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