Cubans capture large hammerhead shark in Havana

The large shark was caught by lunge, in the depths of Guanabo beach in Havana.

Captura de tiburón martillo en La Habana © Facebook Alexander Leyva Rodríguez
Capture of hammerhead shark in Havana Photo © Facebook Alexander Leyva Rodríguez

Two Cuban sport fishermen, with a valid fishing license, caught agreat hammerhead shark on a beach in Havana, in the days before the end of the 2023 year.

Alexander Leyva Rodríguez and his colleagueCarlos Gonzalez They captured a hammerhead shark, a species that is usually found between 0 and 20 meters deep, although they can live up to 200 meters underwater in the open sea.

In a Facebook post, these Cubans recorded thecapture of the great hammerhead shark showing a photo of the animal lying on the sand, on Guanabo Beach. The witnesses were surprised by the size of the shark.

One person rebuked the fishermen, accusing them of usingoxygen tank for diving and catch the animal, something that would be illegal.

"The fishing license is for weekends and holidays. We were on holidays and yes,we took it with lung and rod. We throw at all the ones we can get and whatever size they are," responded the fishermen, proud of their catch and the physical condition they have to catch such an animal.

A few weeks ago some young CubansThey captured a live shark. A video of the event went viral because it showed how fishing for the shark required a great effort to move it and not be injured in the dangerous operation.

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