Carlucho attacks Otaola and opens the possibility of a defamation lawsuit

“Where is my freedom? I left because I had to do what a bearded man ordered a town to do. How am I going to get to this town so that this one, who is not even a lord, tells me with his beard what I have to do?

The Cuban presenterJose Carlucho was invited on the programDestiny Tolk in which he threw several darts againstAlexander Otaola, while threatening a possible lawsuit for the damages caused to him by the influencer's statements against him.

“I came to this country to take a photo with the person I decide and talk to whoever I decide. Disagree, disagree, give my opinion and listen to his, but still respect him. “What democracy are we talking about?” he questioned.

The comment is related to the controversy generated by the photo that was taken with the former Cuban-American representative Joe García, who has appeared in events with Díaz Canel and is one of the promoters of the entry into Miami of Cuban MSME owners.

“Where is my freedom? I left because I had to do what a bearded man ordered a town to do. How am I going to get to this town so that this one, who is not even a lord, tells me with his beard what I have to do?, he added in direct reference to Otaola.

At another point in the explosive interview, Carlucho hinted at the possibility of a lawsuit against the influencer by saying that he hopes that his economy will improve becauseFor defamation there are people who have had to pay 1.8 million dollars, this in allusion to the lawsuit that Alexander Otaola won against the Cuban Ana Cabrera.

Regarding the controversial photo that damaged his image, Carlucho said that it was from an interview “that is going to come out.”

"There are those who don't have children or a mother and that's why they sit in a chair and talk about everyone," said the presenter; moment when he did not avoid confirming that he was referring to Otaola.

"A person who denigrates his own race so much must be wrong.", he added.

In another fragment Carlucho spoke of his separation fromUnivista TV, from which he assures that he still retains the shared property with Ivan Herrera, and assured that no one threw him out.

Alexander Otaola did not take long to react to Carlucho's interview,

"Carlucho or what's left of him has given an interview to his new boss, Destino. He showed that he is more scared and more lost than ever," said Otaola harshly, who was amazed to meet "the first owner they have thrown away." of his own business.

"He also spoke in this wonderful and colorful interview about me, about how bad I am and how good he is, but I'm still riding the wave of popularity while you go from drunk to drunk, from business to business."

Regarding the accusation of being a "communist" for the photo with Joe García, Otaola said that that was not the case.

"We have not accused you of being a communist, we have accused you of being a climber, of being an opportunist, of trying to get hooked on everything, of being a survivor of the catastrophe: a piece of shipwreck that floats through the streets and businesses of Miami-Dade," he said. Otaola, who mockingly referred to Carlucho as "Pellejucho."

"You are the dictator, if you want people to shut up and not tell you what they think about the photo," Otaola said about the controversial photo.

Regarding the lawsuit, Otaola also left a message for Carlucho: "I urge you to earn 1.8 and to find the best lawyers."

"The only thing I see here is a corpse kicking", concluded Otaola, who even compared Carlucho with Edmundo García.

The controversy between Alexander Otaola and José Carlucho is long-standing and after the most recent exchange of statements from both parties, it is clear that the end of the disagreements is not near.

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