
 UniVista TV
Carlucho Photo © UniVista TV

José Pérez Córdoba, known as Carlucho, is a Cuban comedian and presenter born in Havana in 1973. Graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), he began to stand out in Cuba with his theater group Los Bufomaníacos, created in 1995. On the Island He also collaborated in the Capri and Tropicana cabarets.

His career began  at just 4 years old with the children's character “Solecito”, created by Luciano Mesa in which Carlucho appeared dressed in a sunbeam where his face occupied the center. Until he was 11 years old, he maintained this characterization that, due to his chubby features and round face, became very famous among Cuban children.

In the 90s Carlucho was a regular comedian at Havana nightclubs such as Los Violines in Vedado. His provocative show in which he interacted with the public even using mockery and his constant aggressive references to the system gave him a personal stamp and the nightclubs in Havana that had his presence were filled. Carlucho was prohibited from appearing in the Cuban media and in the theater as a result of a show titled “Los tres por la boca die” in 1997, suspended for being considered offensive to the political leadership.

In August 2001, he crossed the border between Mexico and the United States with his wife and daughter, where he established his residence.

Well-known presenter and comedian for América TeVé. His career on the network began on the Fernando Hidalgo Show, then as a cast member on El mikimbin de Miami, Dinamitados, Ké Fuerte, TN3, and then as host of La Cosa Nostra. From 2012 and until his surprise dismissal in 2019, he was the host and star figure of the variety show Happy Hour for which he recruited figures such as Carlos Otero and Boncó Quiñongo.

Since May 2019, he has hosted “El show de Carlucho” on the internet channel called UniVista TV, along with several Cuban actors who live outside and inside the island.

Carlucho has argued on several occasions with the presenter Otaola opposing the campaign to remove American residency from Cuban artists who live and perform in Miami and in Cuba, declaring his support for the Cuban regime and does not support the suspension of aid to Cubans on the island through the sending of remittances. and recharges.

In February 2020, he asked his girlfriend, the Cuban actress and dancer, Lilliet, to marry him.Lily" Rodriguez, in the middle of the live broadcast of their digital show.