Dominican Youtuber Capricornio TV: "Miami is Cuba being free"

"What charisma is that of the Cuban, that is not corrupted by anything or anyone," said the YouTuber with admiration.

He youtuber Dominican Pablo José Rodríguez (Capricorn TV) He confessed that during a recent visit to Cuba he was able to appreciate the charisma and kindness of its people and stated that he liked everyone, even the riders.

Interviewed by the presenter and comedian Jose Carlucho In his program, Capricorn TV showed his admiration for the entrepreneurial spirit of Cubans, and said that the greatest proof of this is the city of Miami.

"For me, Miami is Cuba being free. The majority of businessmen that I meet here tell me: 'I have been here for 10 years.' I tell you, it is difficult in any country in the world for a person to become a millionaire in 10 years in a country that is not his. In the end, you realize that the Cuban has balls," he said.

The young man also criticized the lack of opportunities for Cubans to prosper because the government classifies any independent economic activity as a crime, and for this reason he became convinced that Cuba "is the largest prison in the world."

"There are many people who are in a difficult situation, for example, in my country, the Dominican Republic, and I can tell them: 'look, hold on to those 10 thousand or 20 pesos - as I have done -, start a little business and start ' ahead. That person, if he has his head on straight, can emerge as an entrepreneur with that little help," he noted.

"But how do you do it in Cuba? I mean, there is no possibility (...). Everything is a crime, it is the largest prison in the world," he lamented.

In January, this Dominican YouTuber traveled to Cuba, where he went to marginal places and saw first-hand how the most vulnerable population of the Island lives by visiting Chicharrones, a neighborhood located south of the outskirts of Santiago de Cuba with high levels of violence. .

Pablo then commented that he never thought he would see a favela like that in Cuba, but he pointed out that before criticizing the way of life of these young people, we must analyze how they were molded and the opportunities they did not have.

"In the end, when there is no money or anything, This neighborhood becomes a concrete jungle where the fittest survives, the one who fights the most, the one who grabs a knife, and if you don't kill, they kill you. "That's the reality," he agreed.

On his tour of the neighborhood, he talked with coffee, cigarette, and food and vegetable sellers, saw children playing in the street, and was amazed because, despite the crisis, people are happy.

"The underworld of Cuba. The largest prison in the world," he stressed.

He also interviewed who he called "the most feared man in Santiago de Cuba", so that he could tell him what life is like in the prisons of the Island.

This is Frank Guevara, a Cuban who has been imprisoned numerous times, even as a minor, and who is known locally for having cut off more than 100 faces.

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