Outstanding Cuban former baseball player Pablo Hernández dies at the age of 64 in Matanzas

Pablo Hernández was a center fielder and hitter for the Citricultores, Henequeneros and Matanzas teams. He participated in 14 National and 14 Selective Series.

Sepelio de expelotero cubano Pablo Hernández © Radio26 Emisora Matanzas Cuba / Facebook
Funeral of former Cuban baseball player Pablo Hernández Photo © Radio26 Station Matanzas Cuba / Facebook

The outstanding Cuban baseball player Pablo Hernandez Mendez, a native of Matanzas, died after battling a long illness on Wednesday, the day he turned 64.

Hernández Méndez played as a center fielder and hitter for the Citricultores and Henequeneros teams, as well as for the Yumurino team and the team from the former province of Havana.

Capture of Facebook / Radio26 Station Matanzas Cuba

INDER recalled his career, which includes his participation in 14 National Series and the same number of Selective Series, and being part of the Cuba team preselection several times.

"With an average of 281 product of 1,440 hits in 5,120 times at bat with 228 doubles, 191 home runs and a defensive average of 968 in 1,313 games played," the organization detailed on its wall of Facebook.

Capture of Facebook / Inder Matanzas

In the 70s he competed in the Youth World Cups in Argentina and Venezuela where he was the leader in home runs and runs scored and RBIs.

Born in the Pedro Betancourt municipality, local sports, Party and Government officials attended his funeral, as well as sports glories Leonardo Goire, Fernando Sánchez and Jorge Zaragoza, who accompanied family, friends and followers of the deceased baseball player.

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