Drivers once again warn of robberies on the National Highway of Cuba

Reports of robberies of private vehicles, transport or goods have been appearing with greater frequency on social networks, warning of the different strategies used by criminals.

Carretera de Cuba en mal estado (imagen de referencia) © Facebook / Carlos Alberto Torres
Cuban road in poor condition (reference image) Photo © Facebook / Carlos Alberto Torres

Insecurity grows inhighways and major roads in Cuba, according to complaints from drivers on social networks.

“Be very careful at night on the highway. In the [km] 200 section, a Peugeot 301 passed me several times and then stayed on the shoulder. Later [approximately two kilometers] a guy climbed on the back of my truck and stung the tarp. What he didn't imagine was that people were coming from behind and, when he saw it, he jumped," a driver warned.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

His publication, which appeared in the group ofFacebook ‘Bus & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!', he warned of a problem that spreads along the roads of Cuba and that has been reported on previous occasions.

Reports of robberies of private vehicles, or of transport of people and goods, have been appearing with greater frequency on social networks, where drivers warn of the different strategies used by assailants.

Days ago, Cuban users warned of anew strategy that criminals are using in Holguín to assault drivers of motorcycles and cars.

"Look at what they are doing, putting sticks in the middle of the road, that was last night at 1:00 am behind the sign. Let's take care of ourselves because this is in the spotlight," warned Pedro Domínguez, a private taxi driver from Holguín, sharing in his publication a photo taken at night, in which a street was seen with sticks lying and crossed from one side to the other.

In December, a Cuban who was traveling on an electric motorcycle with his wife and four-year-old child,He suffered an assault on the Cabaiguán highway and was left with serious head injuries.

The Sancti Spíritus police assured that they arrested the alleged perpetrators of the robbery with violence, on the same night that the events occurred.

In August, another complaint reportedrobberies that occurred on the Central Highway of Cuba. “Attention Drivers. If you travel along the Central Highway, be careful on the section of causeway that is before Vado del Yeso, in Granma. They are assaulting. They robbed me and 7 other cars in less than an hour. They robbed me and threw stones at my car. "The police for pleasure."

At the end of April, the CubanYanilexis Lezcano warned about car theft on roads in eastern Cuba and assured that these were not isolated cases. In a Facebook post, Lezcano explained the case of a car theft that allegedly occurred in the town of Guáimaro.

According to what he said, the victims of the robbery were traveling in a passenger car and had all their belongings, documents, phones, briefcases and more inside the vehicle.

"The keys had been left inside the car at the time they went to the bathroom. Two more tourist cars appeared there, and a man got out of one of those and stole it. Be very careful because this has also happened with people inside (of vehicles) and then, in the best of cases, they throw them on the road, causing them harm," he said.

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