Cubans travel in a migrant caravan through Mexico

The caravan is called "Exodus of Poverty" and has been traveling through Mexico since December 24.

Caravana de migrantes en México (imagen de referencia) © Captura de imagen en YouTube
Migrant caravan in Mexico (reference image) Photo © Image capture on YouTube

Hundreds of migrants, among whom there are many Cubans, continue their journey through Mexican territory integrated into thecaravan "Exodus from Poverty".

The caravan was organized on December 24 and hadmore than 7,000 people in its beginnings. They left from Tapachula and since then they have traveled tirelessly through Mexico.

Migrants have the goal of achieving a better future, far from the instability, insecurity and economic scarcity they suffer in their countries of origin.

The Sun of Orizaba He pointed out that currently the caravan is made up of 384 migrants, including 141 children, 94 women and 149 men. They come from Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Colombia, Guatemala and Haiti.

After two days of rest in Córdoba, on January 31 they set out along the federal highway, making stops to rest in the town of Cuautlapan, within the municipality of Ixtaczoquitlán.

Cubans face an acute economic and political crisis on the island. Part of this migratory wave are people of humble origins who cannot access sponsorship from the United States and have sold everything on the island to make their way away from communism, using a migratory route that endangers their lives.

The US government has created various legal access routes to its territory, but they are unattainable for thousands of migrants who decide to walk and cross the border, despite warnings that they will be deported if they enter illegally.

The governor of FloridaRon DeSantis classified the immigration crisis as a threat to the national security of the United States.

This week, DeSantis sent reinforcements to the border in the state of Texas, with National Guard agents and State Guard volunteers, to stop what he calls a "migrant invasion."

It is estimated that between 2021 and 2023, close to 533,000 Cubans have arrived in the United States, representing 4.8% of the island's population, without other types of documented income. According to the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP), more than 153,000 Cubans entered the country irregularly in 2023.

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