Images of the penetration of the sea in Havana

Low areas of the city, which traditionally suffer the onslaught of the waves typical of these meteorological phenomena, once again witnessed floods that hinder automobile traffic and threaten the safety of homes and residents of the coastal area.

The storm surges and heavy rains reported this Monday on the coast of Havanacaused flooding on the capital's coastal strip that left images of the penetration of the sea associated with the arrival of a cold front to Cuba.

Low areas of the city such asVedado, which traditionally suffer the impact of the waves typical of these meteorological phenomena, once again witnessed the floods that hinder automobile traffic and threaten the safety of homes and residents of the coastal area.

Malecón, Calle 1ra del Vedado, Calzada and even Avenida Línea were flooded or partially affected by the storm surges, leaving the typical images that are usually seen when they occur.sea penetrations, as well as complaints from neighbors about the indolence of the authorities who do not react to this situation that is repeated every year.

Next,CyberCubashares some of the images published on social networks that illustrate the magnitude of this catastrophic event that generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in material losses and that, at times, puts the lives of residents in those areas at risk, either due to the danger that involve the fall of power lines or the deterioration suffered by housing structures.

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