Banes station broadcasts soccer match from a horse-drawn carriage

The workers were enthusiastic on top of the horse-drawn carriage.

Transmisión partido de fútbol en Banes © Facebook/Radio Banes
Soccer match broadcast in Banes Photo © Facebook/Radio Banes

Station workersRadio Banes, from the municipality of the same name in Holguín, announced with great fanfare the precarious conditions in which they would narrate a soccer game in the town, held on February 3.

“With an improvised car-booth, the 'Balón en el aire' group of this station is preparing to broadcast the debut of the Holguín Panthers against the Ciego de Ávila Sharks in the Opening Tournament of Cuban soccer. today from 3:00 pm at the EIDE 'Pedro Miguel Díaz Cuello', in Holguín. We are Radio Banes, the most sporting one,” they published on the social network.Facebook.

Capture of Facebook/Radio Banes

In the shared photograph, the two narrators pose sitting inside a horse-drawn carriage, presumably located outside the facility where the meeting would be held.

This publication reflects the scarcity conditions in which the workers of the Cuban official propaganda media work, especially those located in the country's municipalities.

At the beginning of 2022, thestation workersRadio Freedom, from the Las Tunas municipality of Puerto Padre, denounced the precarious conditions in which they work and demanded that the authorities provide effective solutions to the problems..

“If the highest political and government authorities of the province and the ICRT assert that the Puerto Padre station has precarious conditions, and did not speak out for an immediate solution (at least it was not visible in the writing), how can they plan the authorization from the Radio Victoria recording studio?” questioned a worker on her social networks.

However, everything happens in the midst of a panorama in which the few resources allocated to the Cuban press were the new study released onCanal Caribe in the middle of last year, with a"modern" set with touch screen, but which has been questioned by Cubans with phrases such as: "Notify when you give real news", in clear reference to the change in scenery that is valid when the speech remains the same.

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