The purchase of an elderly Cuban with 860 pesos in Holguín

The man, whose pension is 1,700 pesos, spent 860 on 10 bananas and a bomb fruit. "How is creative resistance applied here? The only thing I can think of is not eating," he said ironically.

Alimentos que compró un cubano con 860 pesos en La Habana © Manuel García Verdecia / Facebook
Food that a Cuban bought with 860 pesos in Havana Photo © Manuel García Verdecia / Facebook

An elderly Cuban showed the food that can be bought in Holguín for 860 pesos.

Manuel García Verdecia, poet, narrator and translator, shared on his profileFacebook a photo of his "brand new" purchase: a few plantains and a bomb fruit.

"What you see down there, 10 bananas and a bomb of fruit, cost me $860, out of a pension of $1,700. How is creative resistance applied here? The only thing I can think of is not eating...", he ironized.

Facebook screenshot / Manuel García Verdecia

The post generated more than 100 comments from compatriots, some retirees like him, horrified at the abusive price of food in Cuba, a situation that mainly affects the older population, especially those who live alone or do not have any help. .

"It is a more effective demographic eradication program than that of the famous Weyler," wrote one writer.

"Magnificent creative resistance: not eating. Taking into account the price of a roll of toilet paper, it is the best option," said an elderly woman.

"Shame! I don't know how they can continue to demand sacrifices and patience," stressed one self-employed person.

"We will work more, commander, we will work more, said the gravedigger at the cemetery...", ironically a father of the family.

"Those are the calculations made by the big guys, who calculated that with the reorganization and with the new salaries it was enough for us and we would have left to indulge ourselves in other ways. What a shitty calculation," recalled a Holguín resident.

Last October, ayoutuber Cubanshowed how much food you can buy on the Island with 100 dollars.

Ángel Rojas and his wife Nathi, residents of Las Tunas, showed what could be purchased with that money, the equivalent of which is 23,200 pesos. The couple divided the money: while he was in charge of buying the meat of the month, she was in charge of the weekly purchase of food, fruits, hygiene products, etc.

The final list was the following: 2,600 CUP (11 dollars) for eight pounds of sheep, an avocado at 70 CUP (0.29 USD), 12 pounds of pork at 4,500 pesos (19 USD), a piece of bacon at 1,200 pesos (five dollars), three packages of croquettes for 240 pesos (1 dollar), a package of 12 sausages cost 650 pesos (almost three dollars), a knob of mayonnaise 700 pesos (three dollars), a can of tomato paste for 500 pesos (two dollars), and a chocolate cream 350 pesos (two dollars), etc.

In total, they spent 11,296 pesos (more than $48) on food that would last just over a week, they calculated. He spent the average salary of a Cuban on pork alone.

In September, another Cuban described"outrageous" the precarious purchase he made in the La Lisa market, Havana, which he described as "outrageous."

"Look at this, dear compatriots. Three yuccas, a handful of okra and a little more than half a dozen guavas, for the total amount of 900 pesos," commented the user.

"No one is ashamed or resigns from office. Is there no dignity in Cuba? If I cannot control the situation in a country, I will leave immediately. To do so, all that is needed is courage, shame and decency," he stressed.

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