Mouse walks through the pregnant women's room at the Moa hospital

Cuba's hospitals present poor hygienic-sanitary conditions, patients denounce.

In the midst of the widespread health crisis in Cuba, patients reported the presence of huge rats in the pregnant ward of the Moa hospital, Holguín province.

The exiled doctor Alexander Figueredo published a video in

The animal walks through the patients' belongings, climbs the oxygen pipes, while it is followed by the cell phone camera of one of the hospitalized women.

Last year, another pregnant Cuban woman identified on Facebook as Yislenis De Yasmani Velazco denounced thedeplorable state of the bathrooms at the Vladimir Ilich Lenin provincial hospital in Holguín and asked the health authorities to resolve the situation.

Also at the Hermanos Ameijeiras hospital in Havana, patients denounced thefalse ceiling fall in the lobby.

In Colón, Matanzas, it also emerged that thehospital local It was in terrible conditions for caring for the sick.

This unfortunate situation extends to the majority of the island's hospitals, in the midst of the deep structural crisis of the Cuban health system.

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