Heart-shaped pothole surprises drivers in Havana: "The puddle of love"

The unique pothole is in the La Lisa municipality.

Bache con forma de corazón en La Habana © Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones
Heart-shaped pothole in Havana Photo © Facebook/Buses & Truck Accidents

A curious heart-shaped pothole at the San Agustín location, in the Havana municipality of La Lisa, has seemed to some drivers a unique way to celebrate the imminent February 14.

"The buses from the San Agustín whereabouts will not be overlooked on the day of love, since in front of the P4 stop at the same whereabouts they will be greeted by the street, with this great display of love and affection", wrote Internet user Yanel López in the popular Facebook group Bus & Truck Accidents.

Facebook Capture/Bus & Truck Accidents

"Nice bump"; "Congratulations to that street for having such a noble heart"; "Viales doesn't know what to do to envelop us... He only needs Cupid's arrow"; Right now they put a sign next to it: welcome to the revolutionary pothole of love"; "Long live love, no matter where it is!" were some comments.

Singular heart-shaped pothole in San Agustín, in La Lisa (Facebook/Bus & Truck Accidents)

"The puddle of love", another Internet user jokingly noted.

"If you see the one from the Bay location... they're marpacific...," joked another user in the group.

"Speaking of love: I imagine that whoever truly loves Cuba, lives this February 14 and every day of his existence immersed in the most heartbreaking of sufferings, seeing how something he loves is torn apart, destroyed and it seems that it is going to disappear from the face of the earth, with everything and its people... How sad!" declared a commentator in the most painful and serious of all comments.

The presence of potholes in the middle of the road throughout the country - turning into immense holes in many cases - is one of the many problems in Cuba that often leads to problems such as vehicles falling into ditches and which increases considerably the possibilities of road accidents.

However, not infrequently Cubans, fed up with potholes that have become almost like family, have chosen to give them a different use, either planting a bush of bananas, as happened in recent days in the Cerro municipality or looking at it with romantic eyes, like the loving and suggestive pothole of San Agustín.

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