The ruling party denies the stabbing of an elderly man injured at a stop in Santiago de Cuba: "He harmed himself"

The old man appeared injured at a bus stop.

Anciano que supuestamente se autolesionó © Facebook/Angel Carmenate
Elderly man who allegedly self-harmed Photo © Facebook/Angel Carmenate

An elderly man with mental illness would have self-harmed with a knife in Santiago de Cuba, the Cuban regime reported through one of its covert Facebook accounts.

On February 11, Internet user Ángel Carmenate published the image of the man injured in the lower part of his abdomen, and reported that he was at bus stop 9 in the aforementioned province. Likewise, he said that he had been stabbed, was a resident of the Santa María neighborhood and had been transferred to the Provincial Hospital.

However, this Tuesday the profile in the name of "Elizabeth Ferrer", close to the Ministry of the Interior (Minint), stated that the elderly man was treated by local residents and police officers who took him to the Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital in a patrol car; but what was it about from a self-inflicted injury.

Original publication in Facebook

"A doctor known as Arlenis San Luna Sánchez clarified in a comment on the publication that the old man had self-harmed, confirmed by his relatives, and also pointed out that he is a patient with a psychiatric history," says the note, which attempts to deny the wave of violence. that affects the island.

After accusing the Cuban independent media of spreading false information "to sow terror in the population" based on Carmenate's post and praising the police agents for their "effective action," the official publication assures that "the man is hospitalized and in the process of recovery to be transferred to the province's Psychiatry Service".

Profile publication close to TO MENTION

The government profile does not recognize that dozens of Psychiatry patients In Cuba they lack medication to control their illness and reports of violent robberies, assaults, and stabbings in public are increasing throughout the country.

Recently a 24 year old mother committed suicide jumping into the void from the eighth floor of the Miguel Enríquez Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital, in the Havana municipality of Diez de Octubre, where she was admitted to the Psychiatry ward. Her relatives reported that there were no adequate treatments to treat the schizophrenia that the young woman suffered from.

Last year, the renowned Cuban visual artist, Yulier Rodríguez (Yulier P), raised his voice on social networks to denounce the situation of shortage of medicines in Cuba, especially those intended for psychiatric patients and people experiencing acute or nervous crises.

In an emotional message on his Facebook account, the artist expressed concern about the lack of access to a vital medicine for many citizens that fight mental disorders, olanzapine.

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