They create an aid campaign for Kendra, the Cuban mother who sings on the Malecón in Havana

New initiative to help Kendra Pineda Mesa, the Cuban mother of two children who goes to the Malecón in Havana every day and offers to sing to people for one hundred pesos.

Initiatives continue to be organized on social networks to help Kendra Pineda Mesa, the Cuban mother of two children who goes to the Malecón in Havana every day and offers people to sing to them for one hundred pesos.

The activist Yamilka Laffita - better known as Lara Crofs - detailed this Tuesday the most urgent needs of Kendra Pineda,who lives in very modest conditions with her children, a five-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy.

Lafita explained that the most immediate thing is a door for the entrance to the apartment, a gas stove, a water motor and she also needs a plumber and an electrician. To this would be added some clothes and shoes for the children and for Kendra herself.

The activist specified in her publication where the aid collection point is, which is the Tienda Panamericana La Feria, at 51 and 162.

The activist also detailed Zelle's accounts (7869060526); Bizum (623470887) and Paypal ( for those who wish to contribute financially.

“We will prioritize what is most essential to begin our solidarity work helping this mother to have a more dignified life. Here I leave the link to your YouTube account. I think subscribing will be a good way to start supporting it”, wrote Lara Crofs in another publication this Monday.

Facebook Capture/Lara Crofs

Kendra Pineda already receivedHe received a visit at his home from Lino Tomasen, known as "The Iron Man", who brought him donations of clothes, shoes and money sent to him by his followers and friends. The state of the house and furniture allowed us to see the poverty in which the family subsists.

Lino asked her if she needed anything in particular and she replied that she would like to have a guitar, because she usually composes Christian songs.

Finally, Kendra thanked all the people who have followed the video in which she appears singing the song on the Malecónlove me a lot, which he performed for a mother and her daughter, and which went viral on the networks.

"Not only have they helped me materially, but because it has been an encouragement for me to continue singing and do it with much more commitment and effort from now on, and compose, and so on," he said smiling.

Kendra's story came to light last week thanks to Yordanka Cuza, a Cuban who was walking with her daughter on the Malecón when she approached them and timidly asked them if they would like to hear a song.

According to Yordanka, the young woman walked close to the wall "asking everyone if they wanted to hear her sing." He offered his service but "always received refusals." Cuza herself and her daughter first told him no, but then they repented and asked him to sing to them.

The video moved thousands of people who shared it on the Internet, where it went viral.

Apparently Kendra was a visual arts student at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA). Websites say that he was born in Havana in 1985 and, like profiles on Facebook and Instagram with this name, they show some of his works.

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