Between the delays in the quota, partial deliveries, notices that it is arriving and disappointments because it does not arrive, drinkers of café in Cuba they suffer an ordeal that deprives them of the anthropological “buche” that gives them the energy necessary to endure a day in the middle of the crisis.
A recent example of the Cuban regime's coffee gibberish was offered by the official newspaper Cuban Vanguard, which mixed supposed good news with bad to inform the people of Villa Clara that there is coffee... but there is no.
“La Torrefactora has coffee, but it is waiting for the allocation of peas for mixing and restarting production,” the outlet indicated on its social networks, further sinking the lack of credibility of the Villa Clara ruler. Miguel Diaz-Canel with such justification.
To lull the coffee growers to sleep beforehand, the official media first reported the “good news.” According to Vanguard, “the distribution of 20 ounces of beans for each consumer, corresponding to the basic basket for February and March, will begin in the next few hours.”
Without any embarrassment, the media continued its note with more “good news,” namely, that “the first of several rail tankers that are expected to deliver this month's quota of oil has also just arrived.”
Units of measurement such as “several ferro-tanks”, without mentioning their capacity; or spatio-temporal units such as “basic basket of February and March”, are used by the alleged pro-government Cuban journalists to refer to a reality that is unnameable for them: the collapse of the paternalistic State built by the totalitarian Cuban regime.
The “social contract” that meant the Supply Book, which for decades served the propaganda purposes of the Cuban regime, guaranteeing supposed “equity” and food security, has collapsed with the government of so-called “continuity.”
Not even twenty days ago Ministry of Internal Trade (MINCIN) He reported on his Telegram channel that it was being downloaded “a ship of peas in the port of Havana, destined for the regulated family basket.”
However, it seems that the pea was not enough to mix the coffee that the people of Villa Clara have (you have to mix it no matter what, because black coffee is like lobster: if Cubans consumed it, The children would not have milk to drink, although...).
Cubans should be grateful to the Minister of Internal Trade, Betsy Diaz Velazquez, who managed to land peas in the port of Havana, because it is universally known that In winter the rivers freeze in Canada, affecting the pea imports made by his ministry.
“They are dynamics that the population does not know,” explained Díaz Velázquez from her privileged position as minister of a people starved by communism and rationing. A population that no longer has a coffee quota, governed by a bunch of useless and corrupt people who have not a single bit of shame.
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