Miss Dayana, excited to sing with Álvaro Torres: "Glory and honor to God always for so many blessings"

This February 23 at the James L Knight Center in Miami when Miss Dayana will take the stage invited by Álvaro Torres

Álvaro Torres y Srta Dayana en videoclip de Te Va a Doler (REMIX) © Youtube / Álvaro Torres
Álvaro Torres and Miss Dayana in the video clip of Te Va a Doler (REMIX) Photo © Youtube / Álvaro Torres

Just one day before the Álvaro Torres concert in Miami,Miss Dayana He celebrated the invitation of the Salvadoran artist on social networks.

"Well yes, I am very happy, excited and grateful for this invitation," began the post shared a few hours ago on her Instagram wall, where she recognized what the interpreter represented for so many generations of people.

"I think that most of us Cubans (like many other nationalities) grew up and fell in love at some point with the songs of the great and last romantic Álvaro Torres," his emotional publication continued.

"What one day was a great admiration, fanaticism, and a dream, which I saw as just that, as a dream because what was I going to think that a little girl from Central Siboney could get here, well today it is a pride, a satisfaction and a great blessing to be able to say 'I sang with Álvaro Torres,'" he added in the post that closed with a message of gratitude and "glory and honor to God always for so many blessings."

Colleagues and followers reacted to his words with congratulations and good wishes.

"Congratulations, you deserve this and more. Shine"; "Every day you go further because you deserve it so much"; "Congratulations, all the talent gathered on one platform"; "You are a queen, you deserve to be among great celebrities"; "Congratulations, you deserve that and many more blessings for you and your family," reads among the beautiful messages they left him.

It will be this February 23 at the James L. Knight Center in Miami whenMiss Dayana will get on stage with Álvaro Torres. Lenier Mesa will also be a guest artist at the concert of his tour of the United States.

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