Baby operated on for hydrocephalus needs medication in Villa Clara

The boy Esmeykel Balmaseda Marrero has been operated on four times due to his hydrocephalus and needs paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain during his hospitalization in Santa Clara.

Andbaby less than one year old who suffers from hydrocephalus and has been operated on four timesneed medication urgently to relieve the pain, while he remains hospitalized in Villa Clara.

The activistYoandy Palomino He requested help through his social networks, where he explained that the childEsmeykel Balmaseda Marrero, who is diagnosed with hydrocephalus and underwent a peritoneal shunt, needs paracetamol and ibuprofen to counteract the pain.

The baby resides with his family in the El Chorrito neighborhood, in the municipality of Jatibonico, but is admitted to the Santa Clara pediatric hospital.

Likewise, Palomino requested monetary collaboration to help parents cover expenses while the minor remains hospitalized. “We are all aware of how much money is spent in a hospital these days and even more so with a child,” he said in his post, adding that donations can be made to the father's card.

In the post, several people expressed their willingness to collaborate and assured that they could donate the medications.

In Cuban social networks, requests for help to cover the treatment of sick people are common, given the lack of drugs and medical supplies in pharmacies and hospital centers of the public health system.

Recently, the parents of afive-year-old boy with M5 myeloid leukemia, who needs the drug etoposide VP-16 in injection, to face his illness.

Likewise, the complaint of a Cuban doctor about the situation of thediabetes patients who need the amputation of a foot or leg and are abandoned to their fate in hospitals from the country.

In the middle of2023, the Cuban government recognized that 251 medications manufactured in Cuba were in short supply, which represented 40% of those in the basic cadre.

The delivery of oncological medications was unstable throughout the first half of the previous year, as Eduardo Martínez Díaz, president of BioCubaFarma, explained in a session of the Cuban parliament.

The official then reported that of the analgesics, there was no dipyrone 500 mg in tablets or aspirin 500 mg in tablets, while in relation to paracetamol (in 500 mg tablets) the active ingredient for two months of coverage was due to arrive in August. .

Since then, the government has not published official data on the production and distribution of medicines in the country.

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