Dramatic armed assault on a woman captured on video in Havana

The video has raised several questions among Cubans due to the alarming insecurity that exists in the country.

A video circulating on social networks shows a dramatic armed assault on a woman, this Saturday, in Havana.

According to the news portalCubans around the World, the event occurred at 9:00 a.m. on 7th between A and B, Vista Hermosa neighborhood, San Miguel del Padrón.

In the video shared by the aforementioned source, it is observed how a man gives way to a woman to enter what appears to be a hallway and there he commits his crime.

However, the woman manages to defend herself and for a moment protect her belongings. Even people walking down the street become alert, apparently because of the screams of the victim.

When the fight got out of control and he was exposed to the people walking down the street, the man pulled out a gun and the passers-by ran, while the assailant managed to escape with what appeared to be a backpack.

The event raised many questions among Internet users who criticized the attitude of the people who saw and did nothing to help, letting the thief escape, to the concerns about the insecurity that exists in the country.

The acts of violence have quickly permeated Cuban society, although they have not reached the magnitude of being carried out with firearms, but the reality is that there are acts of vandalism that keep society in tension, while the authorities are involved in calling to the“creative resistance”.

Recently,A Cuban veterinary doctor was found murdered in the Majagua municipality, in Ciego de Ávila, as announced by a colleague and friend on social networks, who detailed that the possible motive for the crime was the theft of a motorbike.

“This morning, on the outskirts of the town of Majagua, the body of Dr. Israel Enrique Gómez Benítez, a veterinarian from the town of Majagua, was found,” Fernando Gispert wrote on Facebook.

Also,two young Cubans were arrested in the municipality of Guisa, province of Granma, after beating an elderly man from the town with the aim of stealing his private motorcycle, according to official media reports.

From the Facebook profile “Entérate con Aytana Alama”, linked to the Cuban regime, it was detailed that the two young men hit the old man, named Félix Cruz, with a stick on the head and arms.

Even people linked to the regime have been involved, as is the case ofretired former Cuban ambassador Félix Andrés León Carballo, who died on Saturday, February 17 in Havana in unexplained circumstances, although relatives stated that the tragic outcome occurred during a robbery at their home.

Jorge Gálvez, nephew of the victim, stated in statements to the Eliecer Ávila channel in Miami that his uncle died during a robbery at his house in Santos Suárez perpetrated by "street bandits" who "stole a television."

He added that there are two people arrested for the incident. The thieves are from El Cerro and apparently "had the house marked."

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