Express politician Ienelis Delgado denounces harassment by State Security in Camagüey

The activist, known as "Mambisa Agramontina", received a summons from State Security, which she said she would not attend: "They know very clearly that I do not attend summonses, whether verbal, written or by telephone."

The express policyIenelis Delgado Cue, known as “Mambisa Agramontina,” reported that she is harassed by State Security in the province of Camagüey, who gave her a summons according to which she had to go to the police station last Sunday.

“The [Police] sector chief, Tania, showed up at my house to give me this written summons,” the activist explained in a video published this Monday by theCuban Observatory of Human Rights, in which he stated that he would not attend the summons.

Released in December 2023After serving nine months in prison for posing with the Cuban flag, Delgado assured that the summons was actually issued by State Security, "the political police of Camagüey, and they know very clearly that I do not attend summonses, not even verbal ones, neither in writing nor by telephone.”

“I have not committed any crime, and if I committed the crime and they are going to arrest me, then let them come to my house, use their fuel and take me prisoner. And just like that, the people see the repression, the abuses committed by State Security, the political police,” he denounced.

Finally, he stated: “I will continue to demand the freedom of political prisoners, there are more than 1,600 political prisoners in Cuba. I am going to continue loving and fighting, in any way, for a Cuba free of communism, I want a free Cuba. Down with the repression of the henchmen of State Security! “Freedom, freedom!”

Last February, the SE threatened the former Camagüey politician during an interrogation, reportedMartí News.

“Due to the direct statement I made on Sunday in which I spoke about the political prisoners, Anniette González García and the repression, State Security told me that I was inciting the mothers of the political prisoners and other relatives to make complaints and they could accuse me of incitement,” Delgado told the news outlet.

In December 2023, the Cuban regime released Delgado, who was sentenced to nine months in prison for posing with the Cuban flag.

The non-governmental organization Prisoners Defenders (PD) denounced that In Cuba there are currently 1,067 political prisoners.

In the last 12 months (from March 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024), the list added the last 168 new political prisoners, according to the report published by the association.

Furthermore, PD assured that32 people were detained by the Cuban regime during the protests that occurred on March 17 and 18.

On March 15, after four years in prison,activist Jorge Ernesto Pérez García was released, a member of the dissident collective Clandestinos, who challenged the regime by pouring red paint on national symbols and icons, such as the busts of José Martí in Havana.

Pérez received conditional release in a ruling issued by the Provincial Court of Havana, although his sentence officially ends on July 13.

The activist was sentenced for crimes that the Cuban government classifies as "defamation of institutions, organizations and heroes and martyrs," and was also tried for alleged drug trafficking.

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