New devotees of Díaz-Canel appear in Cienfuegos: “It is the best thing that has happened to us”

“I gave him a kiss and a hug, son. I was crazy to see him,” said an elderly woman about Díaz-Canel's recent visit to Palmira, in Cienfuegos.

To the Cuban rulerMiguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez It seems that there have been several devotees in towns in the interior of the island and Cuban Television has been given the task of capturing them. After the president's followers in Río Cauto, Granma, it has now been the turn of other fans, but in Palmira, Cienfuegos.

AndCuban Television report, which follows up on the territorial visits made by the island's ruler, shows, first of all, the catastrophic experience of an Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA) in that Cienfuegos municipality.

“We are in a cooperative evaluated at level 3, with difficulties.A critical year 2022, with theloss of 1 million 300 thousand pesos… without the possibility of recovery. On more than one occasion it was in danger of dissolution,” Yunelis Morales, president of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) in Palmira, said in the report.

“It was necessary, on more than one occasion, to restructure the board of directors. A lot of instability problems with the management, presidents of boards of directors who did not last long in office,” the state official listed.

Despite these great difficulties, Díaz-Canel told the residents of Palmira, with total serenity in his words, that in that territory "we have seen experiences" and that "with the land that is here the food of Palmira can be found, which that we have to produce, work and then distribute with social justice what we ourselves believe".

At the end of the report, several elderly people were proud and satisfied with the president's visit to that municipality.

“I gave him a kiss and a hug, son. I was crazy to see it. “I really wanted to meet him,” an elderly woman told pro-government journalist Wilmer Rodríguez with tears in her eyes.

“The best thing that has happened to Palmira in many years,” added another elderly man, visibly moved.

He also added that the people of Palmira are “entirely revolutionary” and that they will always be with Fidel, Díaz-Canel and Raúl, forever.

Another girl and her mother agreed that they love him very much and are “grateful to him, really,” the mother added.

These people join three women from Río Cauto who spoke on television in January and praised the ruler during a visit to that area. As he said later,In that town there were "hard-working and enthusiastic" people who received him with affection.

For one of the women, now elderly, that visit was like "seeing God Fidel again."

"I have loved them both with my life," she said excitedly then.

Another woman also said that the arrival of Díaz-Canel had been like a gift from God and a blessing for the municipality, which needed that visit to be able to improve and overcome the problems.

The only young woman who appeared in the video said that it was a privilege and that the event would remain in the history of the municipality.

"It's exciting, look, I get goosebumps," he said, a phrase that has been immortalized forever on the Internet.

Memes on social networks have poured in and even a reggaeton song emerged, whose chorus is "I get a hedgehog."

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