Bruno Rodríguez criticizes inequality in the United States: "The most cynical post of the day"

"Talking about the US when Cuba is falling apart", "In Cuba everyone is poor except their rulers and relatives" and "There is more equality in the USA than here", Cubans reminded the chancellor.

Vivienda en edificio en ruina en La Habana Vieja y Bruno Rodríguez © CiberCuba y Twitter / Bruno Rodríguez
Housing in a ruined building in Old Havana and Bruno Rodríguez Photo © CiberCuba and Twitter / Bruno Rodríguez

In the midst of the unprecedented crisis that is shaking Cuba, the chancellor Bruno Rodriguez Grill He shared a publication on his networks in which he shows his concern about the increase in inequality in the United States.

As he wrote on his Twitter account, the poorest 50% of the population in that country owns only 1.5% of private wealth.

"Meanwhile, American taxpayer money is used to finance wars and maintain genocide on the Palestinian people," he added.

Numerous Internet users have responded to Rodríguez, reminding him of the differences between the top leadership and ordinary Cubans, whose very poor salaries and pensions are not even enough to buy basic products.

"The most cynical and disrespectful post of the day," said a human rights defender.

"In Cuba everyone is poor except their rulers and relatives," said a grandfather.

"And inequality in Cuba? There is more equality in the USA than here," said a young man.

"Talking about the United States when Cuba is falling apart..." said another.

"When a totalitarian in Cuba talks to you about inequality in the US or the world, how do you understand the news and reality? (...) Inequality in Cuba is very disproportionate, a handful of millionaire families, the people destitute," said an engineer.

Although there has always been inequality in Cuba between the ruling class and the people, the situation is more serious after the regime implemented the Ordering Task, which triggered inflation and further depressed the purchasing power of the most vulnerable sectors.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, like all top Cuban leaders, does not suffer the deficiencies suffered by retirees, single mothers and poor families who do not receive remittances and receive salaries in pesos.

People are struggling to survive in the midst of shortages and with food only accessible in foreign currency stores at higher prices than those in the United States.

This crisis has triggered an unprecedented exodus in the country.

In the last two years, at least 533,000 Cubans arrived in the United States, a figure equivalent to 4.8% of the 11.1 million inhabitants. This is without counting entries with other types of visa for which there are no official figures available.

A year ago, Bruno Rodríguez shared a publication in which he criticized the unequal distribution of wealth in the world.

"Of every $100 of global wealth generated in the last 10 years, 54 ended up in the hands of the richest 1% and only $0.70 went to the poorest 50% of the world's population, estimates @Oxfam. That profound Inequality perpetuates poverty, hunger and social exclusion," he said on Twitter.

Dozens of Cubans reacted to the tweet and asked him to make the same statement with the population in Cuba, where poverty hits ordinary citizens, who earn a minimum wage of 12 USD, and not the ruling class.

"Hunger is perpetuated by those who suffocate those who are capable of producing food. Inequality of power is what keeps us in misery. Be consistent and fight against the abuses that are in front of you," a forero told the official.

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