More than 2,000 Cubans remain stranded in Haiti amid violence

More than 2,000 Cubans are in Haiti in different conditions.

Caos en Haití © Periodistan / X
Chaos in Haiti Photo © Periodistan /

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez reported that more than 260 Cubans are stranded in Haiti in the midst of the serious humanitarian crisis that that nation is experiencing, chaos and gang violence.

"We maintain communication with Cubans and their families; there are more than260 Cubans stranded, more than 2,000 Cubans in different conditions in Haiti, who receive assistance from our Government," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, quoted by the official portal.Cubadebate.

Likewise, he stated that "Cuba is against any military intervention" in that neighboring country, which has experienced coups d'état, transitional governments, murders and gang violence over the years.

However, two weeks ago the chaos reached new levels after Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreed to resign, as part of an agreement negotiated by regional and international governments to install a transitional council that will end up electing a new prime minister. transition minister.

Some prominent gang leaders have rejected the plan, saying it does not represent the will of the Haitian people; and have threatened more violence to oppose that mechanism.

On Thursday, gangs continued their rampage through the capital, Port-au-Prince, shooting at the airport just as workers had begun repairing damage from attacks that occurred earlier.

US aid chief Samantha Power plans to announce $25 million in humanitarian aid for Haiti on Friday, according to a statement cited by Reuters.

The humanitarian crisis, which includes food supply cuts, has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes.

Cubans usually travel to Haitito shop despite the danger and the kidnappings suffered by several countrymen.

This week the regime in Havana said that it is negotiating the return of Cubans stranded in the midst of chaos.

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